[quote=@Fillet]Coloured dialogue is one of my biggest pet peeves in this forum and the primary reason why I would skip an entire post by someone. IMO there is no good reason for it. Books don't need it. Major sites with stories don't need it. The writer and the reader should be able to tell which character is doing or saying what and to whom. If the writer needs to keep track of what's going on in their own post, thus they use colour, do it in their own word doc or on whatever they note their stories down.[/quote] I agree to this to some extent, because it does make sense that if the writer is able to put across the exchange between characters well the reader should be able to differentiate the dialogues without the need for color-coding. Personally I don't care much for colors but I get irked when some rpers bunch dialogues of different characters into one massive text dump in order to give their posts a faux Advanced level look - I get that some would feel pressurized by the GMs' "number and size of paragraph" requirements, but color-coding is NOT an excuse to get away from horrendous paragraphing. [quote=@Fillet]I do like when posters use the @username function to draw attention to a possible interaction. It's like forming a thread that makes the divergent storyline easier to follow.[/quote] In a large group RP I admit this is pretty useful, but in 1x1 I prefer my partners to refrain from doing this - not only will this clot up my notification tab and it's really unnecessary (it's only 2 people!), the other reason is similar to what you have said about colors - you don't "tag" anyone or anything in the book and on most other writing sites. Especially if it's in the middle of the IC, it breaks my reading flow and pace.