It's always the kids of the major gods that get the quests, the attention, the praise. No one remembers half-bloods with minor gods or goddesses for parents. No one praises the children of Eris, of Hebe, of Deimos. All the accolades are given to the children of Zeus, Athena, Ares. No one speaks of the children of Ullr, of Eir, of Kvasir. All tales are told of the children of Thor, Idunn, Odin. No one sings of the exploits of the children of Anuke, of Mehen, of Renenutut. All songs tell of the children of Horus, Isis, Ra. Even in the safe places of the world, children of minor gods and goddesses are forgotten. Overlooked. Ignored. The so-called "major" demigods forget that "minor" demigods are just as important as they are. That they are still demigods, not some kind of lesser being. That's not all. Discrimination against the children of "evil" gods - Nyx, Loki, Set - runs high in the safe places. Children of these gods and goddesses fight a greater battle than others will ever know, just by getting up every day. The children of "good" gods and goddesses will never know just how much they are hurting the "evil" ones. Three teenagers - a son of Nemesis, a daughter of Dagur, and a daughter of Mafdet - decided that they would create their own safe place. A place for the rejected. The forgotten. A place for children of minor and "evil" gods and goddesses. It would even be a place for children of major and "good" gods that had been cast out, for whatever reason. They called it the Refuge. They would take in and make welcome anyone who had no other place to go. The minor and "evil" gods, in thanks for the deeds of these three brave demigods, blessed the Refuge. They swore that it would be protected always against the wrath of the major and "good" gods. Any divine force that targeted the Refuge would not be allowed to harm the place that welcomed the cast out. Loki cast spells of protection over the Refuge. Set placed the power of the desert around its borders. Nyx shrouded its whereabouts in darkness, that only those who meant no harm to the Refuge could find it. And so the Refuge flourished for twenty years. Their numbers grew, and thanks to the blessings of the gods, so did the size of the Refuge. There was always room for everyone and anyone who found their way to the One True Sanctuary, as some had come to call it. Everything seemed to be going well. But it wasn't. Zeus, Odin, and Horus had agreed; the Refuge was a threat, and so must be destroyed. They commanded their followers to find and destroy the One True Sanctuary before its citizens could rise up against them. Nyx, Loki, and Set had also agreed; they would protect the Refuge, no matter who stood against them. It would be a godly battle never before seen, and the demigods would fight as well. Quests had been given to the children of major and "good" gods. They, too, must seek out and destroy he Refuge. Eager to please their godly parents, they had agreed. Now the demigods of the Refuge must fight to defend their home... ... before it is too late. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Rules] The usual rules, yes? Be courteous, be kind, and if you have any problems, bring them to me. No OP characters. They're no fun. Remember, demigods or not, our characters are still human. They have flaws and weaknesses. Your character's godly parent may be from any pantheon, extinct or otherwise, as long as you stick to the rules - children of minor or "evil" gods are welcome, although [b]a few[/b] children of major or "good" gods will be accepted [i]if and only if[/i] the character has some reason that they're not welcome anywhere else. This can be because they were framed for treason, or they were banished for some reason, or whatever. No bunnying. And that's about it! Have fun, y'all~ [/hider] [hider=Character form] Name: Age: Gender: Godly parent: Brief description of godly parent: Appearance: Skills/Powers/Weapons: Strengths/Weaknesses: Other: [/hider] [hider=Refuge Info] Although the Refuge is surrounded by forests and plains, with a river on one side, Set placed the power of the desert around it. Basically, anyone wandering around the area who has no right to be there will be led astray by mirages and, A) get hopelessly lost, or B) find themselves right back where they started. In the center of the Refuge is a Victorian style house. It is surrounding on all sides by various kinds of houses: Victorian style, modern, log cabin, treehouse, cave house, anything. The gods provide specific types of housing for their children. For example, Loki's children live in an elegant green and gold Victorian, while Deimos's children live in what looks to be a haunted mansion. To the south of the houses lie the fields. The Refuge grows quite a bit of it's own produce, and the fields are tended by children of nature gods and goddesses. To the east of the house lie the orchards. To the west is the river. It feeds into a lake not too far away, where the demigods can fish. To the north is the forest. It's a large forest, reaching from the edge of the river, around the north side, and to the edge of the orchards, and demigods can either hunt the prey animals or test their skills on the monsters, depending on where in the forest they go. There are training areas of all kinds, and the older demigods teach the younger ones how to survive. The armory is very close to the Center House, and is well stocked with all kinds of weapons. Some of the gods visit every now and then. Not too often, because of their godly duties, but they come when they can. [/hider]