The drunken Gunther was driven over to the group at arrow point, the Lieutenant shifting his attention from the glaring woman and the doomed pup. He'd been able to discern enough information from this bloody situation to know that the man here was entirely at fault. Lieutenant Castoro's squire, Alan Hyland, came plodding over, such a fool boy. And fat. He trained him night and day, and he was still fat. But at least he followed orders without question. The boy clinked and huffed in his armor, stopping to catch his breath before reporting. [color=f6989d][i][b]"There are seven dead, Ser. Four civilians, the Hair-Foot known as Kintan, the daughters of Reginald Bursaft, Lilia and Karmin, and pixie Pompeya. Three knights have passed as well, Ser Brannock, Sera Jespaiya, and Ser Lolin. Ser Crescent is severely injured, and it is unclear if he will survive or not."[/b][/i][/color] The young lad looked down at the unconscious knight, then at his Lieutenant's steely gaze, realizing this was not to be included in the official report, at least, as is. [b][i][color=f6989d]"And Ser Hurlton mildly injured in the line of duty."[/color][/i][/b] Lieutenant Castoro nodded, now speaking to Gunther, [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"You are charged with Reckless Endangerment of the village, seven counts of manslaughter, and four counts of assaulting a knight. The punishment is death by execution. All of your assets will be seized by the Ebon Knights and distributed as we see fit. Do you have anything to say?"[/b][/i][/color] Gunther's shoulders slumped, knowing he had no valid argument. He looked over at the pup, he'd just wanted to sell it for easy money, lots of people would buy it. He never meant to hurt anyone. The look in the girl's eyes reminded him of the wolves, the fierceness in which they'd protect their own. He wasn't always a hunter for profit... He could remember the days of his youth, where he enjoyed watching his prey more than hunting them. Where becoming one with the wild was the most important and enjoyable feeling. Maybe he could feel that one last time, do one last bit of good before he died. [color=fff200][b][i]"I ask that the girl, if willing, be tasked with being protector and parent to the pup. Real hunters know, I... knew, that dire wolves are intelligent. It can learn, learn to forgive. The parents needed to pay, just as I do. But the pup has killed no one, broken no law."[/i][/b][/color] The shock on Lyle's face was evident. He hadn't thought a cut-rate hunter like Gunther had a shred of decency in him. Speaking up, [color=f7941d][i][b]"I can assist the girl, teaching her the proper ways of raising it, until she can do so for herself. And I will personally take responsibility for any trouble that may be caused by it, and will accept punishment for such without conflict."[/b][/i][/color] Shit. What had he just agreed to? The Lieutenant looked amused by all this. [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"If the girl agrees, then very well. Those conditions shall be met. Alan, write up the contract."[/b][/i][/color] Then he nodded to the archer behind Gunther. The archer put an arrow into the back of Gunther's left knee, forcing him to a kneeling position. In a single, swift motion, Lieutenant Castoro drew his long sword, lopped off Gunther's head, and handed sheathed the blade, without a single drop of blood upon it. Gunther's head sagged, then fell, rolling away, as the body slumped to the ground. The archer began with the business of taking care of the body, as Alan handed the two, basic contracts to Castoro. The Lieutenant offered one to Alya and one to Lyle, and Alan provided the quill and ink. [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"So, do you accept?"[/b][/i][/color]