Thanks for reading! [hider=Kina Listig] [center][img][/img][sup][h1][sub][i][color=f26522]Kina Listig[/color][/i][/sub][/h1][/sup][/center] [indent][sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=f7941d]blood status[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Muggle-Born. [/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=f7941d]age[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]11[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=f7941d]gender[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Male[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=f7941d]personality[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup] [center][i]Intensely private and reserved, Kina will not share his life story within the first hour of meeting, or indeed the first year. While he doesn’t actively seek out sociability all the time, he can swallow his introversion to take the first step in meeting someone. Still, he will remain quiet for the most part, and tread cautiously.[/i][/center] [indent][indent][color=fdc68a][b]Interpersonal Relations[/b][/color] | He doesn’t step headlong into trust, but he retains faith in the best in people at first encounter – only losing it should they prove otherwise on repeated counts, and even then perhaps not. People he is comfortable with are few and far between, but Kina knows to accept wholeheartedly those who are willing to put up with him, his reservations, and his caution. His confidence in people outweighs his own. Kina knows as much, but he reckons that this keeps him humble. [color=fdc68a][b]Copes with Silence[/b][/color] | After a long day, Kina tends to retreat to his room and shan’t emerge until he has been submerged in his own silence long enough to face noise again. If not given the chance to do so, he will withdraw into himself, and won’t say a word unless someone actively tries to rope him back in. During rough patches, Kina copes with stress or pressure by going catatonic. Holding onto his words when he feels as though he is slowly spiraling out of restraint gives him the illusion of control, of having a say – by removing speech – in some part of his life. He has a tendency to plan ahead compulsively and gets immensely worried about the future, until he gets distracted by a task at hand. He does everything with effort and his best, and burns out easily. He may seem fragile, spontaneously slipping into a wordless unresponsive state without warning, but it appears sudden only because Kina won’t say a word or give any indication of what has been weighing on his heart beforehand. He hates to be a burden, especially since he can’t think of any reason why friends would bear with him. [b][color=fdc68a]Towards Others[/color][/b] | Even if Kina is not very good at protecting himself, he doesn’t bend so easily when it comes to friends or people he cares about. He tries not to listen to rumours if they are baseless, and he won’t let whispers on the wind affect his individual perception of his peers. His method of comfort is highly characteristic of himself: he won’t give reassurances of another’s qualities even if he believes fervently in them. He doesn’t think his words will hold high value or large enough impact to right the wrong done. But Kina will stick fast. He would be the last to turn a back on a person, and he holds on through thick and thin. His loyalty is all he feels he can offer. [/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=f7941d]appearance[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Kina has brown curls that are almost always ruffled and messy. He is not very tanned but he is several shades darker than deathly pale from standing outdoors in open fields trying to shoot videos under the right lighting or from staying under the sun longer than necessary coaxing a squirrel or some other small woodland creature onto his viewfinder (photography and videography are some of his passions). His eyes are a molten hazel brown and his pupils are large giving him a perpetually wide-eyed look, accentuated even further by a tapered chin. He is thin and slight, and looks to be on the delicate, scrawny side. He bruises easily. Kina’s clothes often hang off of his narrow shoulders at best. Sometimes they swim on him. In Hogwarts, with the billowing robes and positively voluminous outfits, it is a safe-bet that Kina’s uniform will look ridiculously loose and ill-fitting on him. [/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=f7941d]wand material[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Sycamore | Unicorn Tail Hair | 12 inches | Supple[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=f7941d]boggart[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]If he were to face a boggart, Kina would be facing himself. A spitting image, a reflection. Only, it wouldn’t exactly be him. It would be Kina in vagrant clothes, Kina with the gaunt look of the way-less and lacking, of those who have failed to accomplish in their lives, who have left nothing for their parents to be proud of. And before his eyes, the boggart in his form would dissolve, until it had faded away, not even a wisp of what once was.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=f7941d]other[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Kina once knew a girl who was his very best friend. He had never known a relationship so close, where he could lean on her for support. He didn't know that that meant placing in her hands the power to walk away and unbalance him. Falling once might have been hard enough, but she had a tendency to walk away in anger and then return after she was happy again, until Kina was praying for the good days, and bending backwards to keep her pleased and pleasant. It was a friendship that wore him out constantly, but he began to believe that if he were to try his best and not make mistakes, he wouldn't make her angry, and he wouldn't fall down so often. So really, his friend would comment now and then, if he had to struggle to his feet bruised and battered from yet another drop, it was his fault. In the end, it tore him down, and learning how to lean came more and more slowly to him.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider]