Okay, sorry guys, I was busy. Wayyy busy today. Um. [@writtenword] accepted. [@WilsonTurner] There won't be fire when a large bucket of water is standing by to quench it *glares warningly at Duck*. Also I think most of the old people vanished and/or are not interested. [@ethanjory] The original version was very much ill-thought-out, our characters wound up scattered all over the nation. In addition, due to the GM's poor planning, the story took a 180 from the desired path. I have two wonderful co-gms who can actually say no to well-meaning player suggestions, and they'll keep me in check. You don't need to worry. [@Ghost Queen] Accepted. My character, who is making a return, was originally named Andromeda, but I can change it. Or we could have two Andromedas. Entirely your call. [@Jozarin] Of course, consider it reserved.