WIP [hider=Hutts][h3][b]General[/b][/h3] [indent][b]Nation name:[/b] Hutt Cartel [b]Government type:[/b] Ruling Council [b]Flag/emblem:[/b] [hider=Image][img] http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110724032113/starwarsdarkdreams/images/6/6c/Hutt_Cartel.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Description:[/b] The Hutt Cartel is one of the longest surviving organizations within the Galaxy. They have seen Empires come and go, watched Republics fall and crumble and have seen the Jedi and Sith wiped out several times in their long reign. They are a universal constant, as is their right. Highly egotistical they control all of Hutt Space via a ruling council of the most powerful Hutts. Hutt space itself is split up among the leaders of the ruling council, Nal Hutta acting as the centre for all Hutt operations and a world in which none of them have individual claim. Hutt space itself isn't unified with each Hutt having their own holdings and the only real unity coming from deals made between individual Hutts or with the ruling of the Hutt Council. That said while they can sometimes appear to be fractured within their borders they have large enough forces to easily deal with outside threats. This is aided by the extensive criminal network they have throughout the Galaxy including underground contacts and largely unknown hyperspace routes. [b]Economy:[/b] [list] [*][i]Spice:[/i] Spice is one of the main economic incomes for the Hutt Cartel. The narcotic and mind altering substance comes in many forms, and is addictive. Some variations legal, some illegal. The more potent varieties being illegal in most star systems yet selling for a higher price and the Hutts more or less control the market making them very wealthy. [*][i]Slaves:[/i] While the Republic had issues with the use of Slaves the Empire did not. The Hutts again control a majority of the slave trade from slaves for pleasure to work with far less restrictions in Hutt space dealing with gaining the possession of another sentient species and the trade of said species. This is paired with their "Training" and "Confinement" techniques to make their slaves some of the most sought after. [*][i]Raw Resources:[/i] Thanks to the slave trade the Hutts can easily gather their resources for a low price, unlike droids there is very little in terms of maintenance costs. This allows for cheap resource gathering, that can be sold for a "reasonable" market price. [*][i]Black Market:[/i] Like a lot of the Hutt income a large portion of it comes from outside of Hutt Space. Their influence spanning a galaxy and covering it with crime. They use their secret networks to smuggle slaves, weapons, ships, artifacts and pretty much anything of worth all over the galaxy to sell. Their influence is impossible to miss, yet it is still difficult to pin any illegal dealings to them. [*][i]Information:[/i] Such a network picks up facts from time to time, informants hear things and people trade secrets. Hutt palaces are treasure troves of such secrets and are available, for a price. [*][i]Manufacturing:[/i] While they haven't got any of the big company names Hutt space is able to kick out enough in terms of manufactured vehicles, weapons and ships to turn a profit. [/list] [b]Demographics:[/b] [list] [*][i]Hutts:[/i] The Hutts are actually not all that common. Spanning in numbers to mere thousands. However they rule the Hutt Space and the operations of the Cartel throughout the Galaxy. [*][i]Residents:[/i] The Large number of residents of Hutt Space are split within three groups. First there are the criminals who remain there willingly, second there are the slaves who have no choice. Then there are those that are too poor to leave and forced to become criminals (or slaves) in order to survive. [*][i]Species:[/i] It is impossible to get a count on the different species within Hutt space, however the Hutts themselves are easily the smallest demographic and yet they hold all the power. [/list] [b]Institutions:[/b] [list] [*][i]Clans:[/i] Different Clans and different families exist within Hutt space, with the most powerful easily being the Desilijic clan. Each Hutt runs their own operations, quite often working with their clan and with rivalries to other clans. The Hutt council itself is lead by the most influential Hutts and only really has authority in being the most powerful Hutts. The more influential Hutts get to run their own operations and own star systems, whereas those of lesser status are in servitude to those with more power. [*][i]Bounty Hunter Guild:[/i] While the Hutt Cartel does not run the Bounty Hunter guild over the years they have formed a respectful relationship. Giving each other whatever they need to survive. [*][i]Black Market:[/i] As indicated above the Hutts control the black market, and it is easily their most profitable institution. [/list] [b]Notable Locations:[/b] [list] [*][i]Nal Hutta:[/i] Jewel of all of Hutt Space. The slime covered planet is capital of the Hutt Domain and as equally crime infested. [*][i]Nar Shadda:[/i] The criminal world of Coruscant is in the undercity, so imagine what a urbanized moon in orbit of Nal Hutta is like. Despite the rampart crime, and the inability to walk five feet without seeing what in Imperial Space would be a fellon it is an important hubb for criminals and those looking for work. [*][i]Godsheart:[/i] The Pulsar stars system is home to an advanced research facility, and is a place of worship for most Hutts who believe it lead them to Nal Hutta and watch closely to it's pulses to decipher any possible messages. [*][i]Klatooine:[/i] While Nal Hutta is the centre off Hutt Space and argueably the slime encrusted heart Klatooine is currently the head, home to Riibbo the Hutt who lives in his recently completed palace. [/list] [b]Astrography - Planet and/or Sector list:[/b] [List] [*]Hutt Sector [/List] [b]Other:[/b] [List] [*][i]Unity:[/i] The Hutts are controlled by a council of power hungry individuals, the leading member of which is the most powerful. This causes problems in keeping everyone in line and preventing attempts to usurp the leadership. [*][i]Military:[/i] The military aren't exactly willing to die for a cause such as the armies of the Alliance of Free Systems or Galactic Empire. [*][i]Criminals:[/i] While there is some sense of loyalty, and duty. At the end of the day most people here are criminals. [/list] [/indent] [h3][b]Military:[/b][/h3] [indent][b]Organisation:[/b] Enlisted/Mercenaries [color=9e005d]WIP[/color] [list] [*] Ex-Imperial Stormtroopers & Ex-Imperial Troops under the command of Grand Moff Vaul. [*] [i]Droideka Support:[/i] The Hutts still have a large number of Droideka units available to use to support their troops. [*] [i]Enlisted:[/i] Not all within Hutt Space are criminals, some believe that the Hutts are the ones to rule them properly and offer them protection and some just don't care. That said a large portion of Hutt military are enlistees, trained (though in some cases maybe not to the standards of the Rebellion or Empire) and then sent out to serve the Hutt Cartel in keeping them safe from outside threats and acting as enforcement. [*] [i]Slaves:[/i] While not all slaves are used in combat some like the Vodrans who have never rebelled and work for the Hutts willingly despite being slaves are some of the best and most reliable forces available to the Hutts. [/list] [b]Army:[/b] [color=ed145b]WIP[/color] [list] [*][i]Vehicles:[/i] The Hutts use a wide array of vehicles, tending to stick to light skiffs and repulsor craft when they can. [*][i]Dropships:[/i] The Hutt Cartel do possess some older Clone Wars era LAATs from when the Imperials abandoned old unnecessary bases, as well as many old CIS models. [*][i]Equipment:[/i] While the Hutts can't easily reproduce Walkers and some of the more modern Imperial technologies they are good with weapons. Typically keeping the most powerful weapons for themselves, or customers with plenty of credits to spare, their army is well equipped in comparison to some outer rim Imperial garrisons or Rebel forces. [/list] [b]Navy:[/b] [list] [color=ed145b]WIP[/color] [/list] Most fighters used are the HH-87 SkyHopper, however some of the older Clone War era ships still have working Z-95, Arc-170s, Vulture droids, etc. [b]Strategic resources:[/b] [list] [*][i]Nar Shadda:[/i] If you can't find it anywhere else, you can find it on Nar Shadda. [*][i]Shipyards:[/i] Nothing near the scale of Kuat, Corellia, Fondor etc. but Hutt Space does have it's own shipyards, though nothing capable of throwing out anything bigger than a heavy cruiser. [*][i]Easy Black Market Access:[/i] You never know what you might need... [*][i]Slaves:[/i] While you can get these in other areas of space the Hutt Sector easily has the easiest access and the most. [/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*][i]Bounty Hunter Guild/Mercanaries:[/i] The Hutts have strong ties to mercenary groups and the Bounty Hunter Guild meaning that if they need to they can bolster their forces quickly with elite troops, for a price. [/list] [/indent] [h3][b]Regime personalities:[/b][/h3] WIP [/hider]