[hider=Otto Kleinsmann] Name:[color=f7941d] Otto Kleinsmann[/color] Alias/Nickname: "BD", "The Guy Chose Friends Can Never Let Him Live a Joke Down" Appearance: Could be described as handsome, in a scruffy, almost rogueish manner. Decently tall and decently muscled, he's not giant of a man but he is above average in terms of both height and physique. Active lifestyle'll do that for ya. Auburn hair's of middling length, held out of his lively brown eyes by a red-and-orange headband/ bandana / whatever the fuck it's called. Typically garbed in minimalist armor of boiled leather, he makes what he has work, content knowing he'll run into better things down the line if he works hard. [b]CREDIT TO SPHERE FOR DIGGING UP A PRETTY DAMN NICE PICTURE WHERE I COULD NOT[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/4zcfJQl.png[/img] Age: 23 Race: Human Personality: Positive, loyal, and perhaps just a bit [i]too[/i] hotbloodedly ballsy for his own good, Kleinsmann is one of those guys that does his level best to both look after his own, and keep the overall spirits of those around him high. Despite his roughshod, at times questionable appearance, the young man is honest, cordial, and friendly as the come, if just as rough around the edges in his words as he is in his looks. A jokester (at times leaning into "smartass" territory), he'll just as often do something he feels he can get away with because it's funny as he will something necessary. Despite this, he will rarely stoop to something outright malicious, instead having a generous and honest desire to help those in need. At times, a bit dense and [i]too[/i] straightforward. Depending on how you look at him, he's anything from your typical bro, to your typical annoyance, to possibly even your typical liability. Of course, if you ask him he's really only the first one of those. C'mon, man, would [i]this guy[/i] lie to you? Probably not. Biography/history: A son of a small town a decent way outside of Angel's Landing, Otto was the ringleader (or closest equivalent thing) to a band of six friends, sometimes just a group of kids horsing around, sometimes closer to a bunch of little ruffians. Really depended on the day, and what was going on in town. They were [i]never[/i] ones to back down from a brawl, after all. Sticking close together all through adolescence and well into young adulthood, they began to, as a group, plan for adventure, struck by mutual wanderlust and a desire to chase dreams, to become larger than life legends that one day would inspire boys just like themselves. In short, it didn't pan out so simply. His mother falling terribly ill even as he was nursing off an injury he normally would have just soldiered through on his own, they were forced to come to a meeting and make a hard decision. Where six planned to embark from town, only five were able to actually do so. With Big Johnny as the de facto leader, the band of brothers cast themselves out into the world to chase glory, to chase dreams, at Kleinsmann's behest. After all, there was no sense in him selfishly holding everyone else back, right? Months later, himself and his mother now fully healed, Otto Kleinsmann set off on a quest of his own. And he has catching up to do. Reason for recruitment: To get an opportunity to find his party of friends again, to do good (fending off evil is all [i]kinds [/i]of good), to grow stronger as both a fighter and person, to be a knight like he always heard of in stories as a kid. Strength of Will: Unnatural Magic: None thus far, has a decent yet undiscovered affinity for force magic, particularly involving fire. God relations: Minor affinity with the Elemental Lord of Fire, unbeknownst to him. Beyond that, not much. Tech: Laptop, Phone, Basic model Vibroblade. Possessions/items/property: A simple red headband with orange stripes running across, a basic design that apparently means a lot to him and thusly, always stays on his person. It supposedly has five cousins somewhere in the rest of the world. Skills: Swordsmanship: Otto is a self-taught swordsman that has somehow, through what could only be avidly watched netvids, practice, half-fucking-around-half-actually-sparring-with-friends, and sheer dumb luck, managed to learn his way around a blade well enough to be considered "not half bad". Unarmed Martial Arts: Where he really shines in combat, despite defaulting to his sword whenever possible ([i]dude![/i] It's a freakin' [i]sword[/i]!) Otto is a longtime veteran of brawls as a kid, and a big fan of the fighting arts, enough that between being in plenty of fights himself as a kid and eventually learning both striking and grappling from an old, one-eyed monk. This leaves him skilled and educated enough to defeat almost anybody you throw his way that isn't an expert or above in their own right. Cooking: Dude's surprisingly facile in the kitchen and can easily follow a recipe. Chalk it up to culinary classes in school. Survival: Is familiar with multitude of survival skills, thanks to having formerly been the planned leader of an adventuring party with all of his old friends. Silly though they are, they aren't dumb enough to not read up on what they'd need to know. Misc: Theme song ideas : Maybe [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7s3wHYHpSY]this[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4FrQBxLwTM]this[/url], or [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATLJ0CFnsoE]this[/url] You pick for yourself, dear reader. [/hider]