EDIT: I'm very tired, so I apologize in advance if I messed up anywhere. [hr] [hider=Ishwarya Singh][center][img]http://www.dramastyle.com/images/3/1/6692/Slumdog-Millionaire_6692_20.jpg[/img][sup][h1][sub][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/4d57603e3abf8ccb16a88c9cb98462b4/tumblr_nuhixsbYOn1uw6k1zo1_400.png[/img][/sub][/h1][/sup][/center] [indent][sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=lightgreen]Blood Status[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent] Pureblood[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=lightgreen]Age[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent] 11[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=lightgreen]Gender[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent] Female[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=lightgreen]Personality[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent] Shy and quiet, Ishwarya has always found it difficult to make friends. Raised in a cultural household where obedience to education and intelligence came first, she has been molded into a young girl who very stringently follows the rules and dutifully sticks to her studying. Her shyness has only been a hindrance in making friends where the people concerned are too impatient and unwillingly to listen to her quiet voice. However, what friendships she does forge are usually strong. Ishwarya is also extremely gentle, and has a seemingly infinite amount of patience, surprising for her age. She is especially good with animals, and can be especially good with the feelings of other people, if given the chance. Her gentle and supportive manner can be the cure to an unhappy day for many, and sooth away worries. Her parents took an early note of her affinity for helping and caring, and adopted for her an old crup with which she visited many witches and wizards in need of some affection therapy at Mungo's. When the old crup passed on, they adopted a second, much younger, which up till her departure to Hogwarts, did as his predecessor had and accompanied his young master on therapeutic trips to Mungo's. She is also prone to nerves and anxiety, most apparent prior to a test or big presentation. Her nervousness extends beyond the academic realm as well; she can become easily nervous in first time introductions, and while she is a normally diligent speaker (when not standing at the head of a classroom delivering a presentation), she can trip over and butcher words in simple one on one introductions. Because Ishwarya was taught to defer to the "higher power" as a child, she is not known for disobeying teachers and similar educational enforcers. Similarly, she will allow bullies and relatively abrasive friends to walk all over her.While her father approves of her obedient nature to school authorities, her mother fears that, without supportive friends, she will never overcome her shyness. Ishwarya also has an insatiably curiosity, and perhaps her curiosity is truly where she pushes boundaries. Of course, she pushes them in a very docile and obedient way, but nevertheless, it is the greatest amount of defiance she is capable of mustering up, for now. Ishwarya doesn't necessarily care about being extremely knowledgeable or well-rounded; in fact, she quite like her average little position in the world. Rather, she desires to know about the things she [i]wants[/i] to know about, and not all of the things she apparently needs to know about. It has been frustrating for her parents to watch her toss aside classic literature in favor of contemporary fantasy, or forget about biology to (illegally) play Quidditch in her parent's yard with her father's broom. Ishwarya, while shy, is friendly. That is to say, once she's overcome the awkwardice of introductions, and the rocky beginnings of a newly blooming friendship, she can become very sociable. Now, that isn't to say she become some social butterfly. She just becomes very easy with the people she becomes familiar with, and facilitates conversations more often. She is more interested in them and what they have to say, especially if she views them as a "good" person or friend. [/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=lightgreen]Appearance[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent] Ishwarya is a tall and skinny girl with long and [i]almost[/i] elegant features. Being eleven, and only just entering puberty, she's still got the telltale signs of prepubescence in awkward proportions and the generically weird features that children tend to have when they begin to go from child to teenager. However, as with all people, she's still got basic features that will stay the same through most of her life. Ishwarya has a flat, angled, face, with low cheekbones and pronounced edges. Her dark almost black eyes are large and round, complimented by neat arching eyebrows, and are usually the first thing people see (typically because they look so worried or frightened upon introduction). She's got a small button nose, and her lips are medium in size. As mentioned before, Ishwarya is gangly, and her body often reflects the type of one who was meant to be a runner, being small and streamlined. However, Ishwarya's overall appearance may make some think of her as fragile or breakable. [/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=lightgreen]Wand Material[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent] Cedar || Unicorn Hair || 10" || The willingness of Ishwarya's wand to change owners lies somewhere in the middle of things. Partially sentient as it is, the wand sees in Ishwarya the potential to be of a different character, if she pushed herself hard enough. Already, she possesses the loyalty Cedar wands are so fond of. But she does not yet have the fire that accompanies the owner of a Cedar, the want to protect their friends with the aggressiveness of a dragon or agitated hippogriff. It could be said that her wand is skeptical. As to weather or not it stays with her is yet to be seen.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=lightgreen]Boggart[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Seeing her crup taken away. It is perhaps, not the scariest of fears to others, but it terrifies her enough for her boggart to manifest in such a way.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=lightgreen]Other[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent] She owns a three year old crup, Spot, who, like all crups, is generically extremely loyal towards his owner. Spot still has his a pronounced stub where his second tail used to be, due to a bad cropping; the Singh's have passed the tail stump's presence off as a birth defect, making him relatively easy to keep.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider]