[hider=A Modern Prometheus] Name: Victoria Gottjaeger Age: 19 Gender: Female Godly parent: Prometheus Brief description of godly parent: Prometheus is Humanity's protector from the capriciousness of the Gods. At the dawn of the Human race Prometheus deceived Zeus into accepting sacrifices of the inedible, unwanted parts of the meat, and when Zeus attempted to take revenge by stealing light and warmth from Humanity Prometheus stole the Divine Flame from Olympus and gifted it to Humanity, along with the knowledge needed to use it to raise themselves from the muck and filth of their existence into something greater. For that act Prometheus was punished, chained to a rock, and every day for millennia an eagle would rip through his belly and devour his liver, only for his wounds to heal in time for the eagle's return. This would come to an end during the Labors of Heracles, the great hero rescuing Humanity's shackled guardian. Since that time little has been heard of Prometheus, though rumor says he walks among Humanity still, seeking a way to overthrow the reign of Gods and truly free Humanity. Appearance: [hider=Picture][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/dd2fd678c0a43695f1b8e56375c4d73a/tumblr_n9h0a4kAiz1tgoqcyo1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] Skills/Powers/Weapons: Victoria lacks any supernatural abilities, the only truly abnormal thing about her being her unusually quick grasp of skills, technology, and scientific concepts. She is, however, highly physically fit and very skilled with firearms and in hand to hand combat. She makes most common use of weighted knuckle gloves, a Nepalese Kukri, a highly modified Colt M1911 sidearm, and a Mosin-Nagant M/28-30. Strengths/Weaknesses: Victoria is a highly-trained, fit, and well-equipped soldier, the equal of any mortal commando. Victoria has a personal vendetta against all Gods with the exception of her father and Heracles, something she doesn't make any effort to hide. She has made it clear that her heart's desire is to see a world where Gods are a thing of the past, their power over Humanity forever broken. It doesn't make her terribly popular in a lot of circles. Her place in the refuge is more due to her hating Zeus more than any other God, plus the already meager power most of the Refuge Gods have over Humanity deflects her ire. That said, she still has a habit of proseltyzing to other Demigods that their parents are tyrants by their very nature.[/hider]