She calmed significantly as she listened to the exchange between the men, it seems as thought they had reached an agreement. She knew that the drunkard was sentenced to death, but she didn't think that they were going to execute him there and then. The moment was like a breeze, sudden and quick. She didn't have time to react to the beheading before being greeted with a piece of parchment, [b][color=bc8dbf]"So do you accept?"[/color][/b] She read it for a moment, the pup still in her arms. She mustered the strength in one of her arms to hold the pup as she attempted to sign the contract with her other hand. The whole ordeal was quite 'untidy', some ink spilling onto the grass as she hastily dipped the quill into it, a few drops of ink splattering onto the contract as she lifted the quill over it. But she was able to sign the contract without too many problems, save for her arm that was holding onto the pup. After handing the quill back to the man, she smiled, hugging the pup. She knew that it was going to be difficult to raise a wild animal, but at least she was able to save it. She bowed low to the knights thankfully. Furthermore, she felt that she owed quite a lot to the man that had helped her. [color=00aeef][i]What was his name?[/i][/color]