[indent][b]Name[/b][/indent] Nova Gatley [indent][b]Gender[/b] [/indent] Male [indent][b]Age[/b] [/indent] 16 [indent][b]Nationality[/b][/indent] Canadian [indent][b]Starting Location[/b][/indent] Dallas [indent][b]Appearance[/b][/indent] Nova is slightly shorter than the average person, thin, and lanky, long of limb and light of skin. His hair is bright as the sun, platinum blonde and worn back in long, elegant strands. His eyes are dark and challenging, often casting competitive glares at the people around him. He is quite handsome, something he knows all too well. His attire in the field is usually a suit vest with a shirt and tie, or a double-breasted coat on cold days. [indent][b]Location and Notes on Star Mark[/b][/indent] Nova's Star begins two inches below his collarbone on the left side of his body, right over his heart. It has four points, and each taper into lines that form two complete rings around his body. One circles his chest, and the other runs down his left leg and under his foot before returning up the other side of the leg, up the back and over the shoulder to meet the Star again. [indent][b]Star Power[/b][/indent] [b]Fractal Apotheosis[/b] - By tapping into the residual energy of a dead Star, Nova can harness the powers of the deceased, albeit in a lesser state. In order to use the powers of the dead, Nova needs to first find their residual energy, usually in a place that had once been of great significance to the deceased. Even then, the energy isn't always compatible, and a bond must be formed. Once this has been accomplished, the power is "imprinted", and Nova has access to these powers at any time, though possesses no unique powers of his own. [indent][b]Imprints[/b][/indent] [b]Atlas[/b] - Allows Nova to perceive residual Star energy and detect other Stars' general location, to a range of a city block. [b]Fawaris[/b] - Bends light around Nova, hiding him. [indent][b]Corrupted or Uncorrupted[/b][/indent] Uncorrupted [indent][b]Personality[/b][/indent] At a glance, Nova is narcissistic, self-absorbed and cocksure. He can be infuriatingly arrogant and excessively competitive, and because of this, he has amassed somewhat if a disreputable presence. However, Nova's relentless prattle is only a cover for his insecurities and anxiety, and when faced with hardship strong enough to dissolve his facade, he will quickly break down. To those who know him well, he is very extroverted and always latching on to new friendships. Moreso, he has never been known to betray someone close to him, his loyalty unfaltering. [indent][b]Biography[/b][/indent] [hider=Pt.1 - Atlas] Nova was born in the Canadian countryside. He grew up living a simple life, free of most conflict or worry. Of course, he had heard of the Stars, but it was something so distant from his small town that he never gave it more than a passing thought. When Nova was eight, he noticed a strange birthmark appear on his chest, one that seemed to be drawing lines around his body. He couldn't hide it for long, and his classmate and best friend Atlas managed to corner him one day at school and interrogate him. When Nova finally showed Atlas the mark, Atlas parted some hair on his head above his eye and showed Nova is own birthmark. It was an eight-pointed star, one Nova could never have noticed unless pointed out. Atlas explained to Nova that they were both the same - they were Stars. Incredulous, Nova did not believe him at first, as he did not believe he had any powers, or was special in any way. He asked Atlas what his power was. Atlas told him it was how he knew Nova was a fellow Star: he could see something emanate from Nova's body sometimes, a glowing light, and he was always able to tell where his friend was. After a few games of hide-and-seek to test the theory, Nova finally gave in. He still, however, did not know his own power. But Atlas wasn't the only one to spot Nova's Star. A few days later, Nova was dragged into the town clinic by his parents. Mister and missus Gatley were pale as chalk, asking Nova how many people had seen the birthmark, or if anyone had seen him do anything strange. Nova did not understand. It was to his parents' relief - and Nova's disappointment - however, when the doctor took some tissue samples and informed them that it was just a strange scar, and not a Star mark at all. Three days later, Nova woke beneath a pile of ash and wood. His house had burnt down, and the only thing that remained of his parents were two charred lumps. Firemen asked him what he knew, but he was unable to answer. He was placed in protective custody. When he was finally able to sneak out, Nova traveled immediately to Atlas' house, only to find that it had burned down much the same as his. But this time, there were no survivors. It was there Nova finally discovered his power. Sitting on a blackened concrete step, Nova sobbed, mourning his parents and his best friend. The mark on his chest flared, and Atlas' image appeared in his head. But it wasn't just his image. Atlas' entire consciousness seemed to be trying to rip through his mind. And when it was finally over, Nova didn't feel like he had lost his friend. He felt like Atlas was right there beside him, every time he tapped his friend's power to find others like him. [/hider] [hider=Pt.2 - Fawaris] TBR [/hider] [indent][b]Trivia[/b][/indent] [list] [*]Nova's biggest fear is being worthless to other people. Because of this, he wants to help as many people as he can. Whether this is out of benevolence or self-interest is debatable. [*]Nova is often compared to a puppy. [*]Nova's dream is to be a hero. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a hero. [/list] [indent][b]Other[/b][/indent] Per Aspera Ad Astra