Here's my app. Tell me if I need to edit it. [hider=CS] [center][u][i][h1]Meiji Shiri[/h1][/i][/u] [IMG][/IMG] [h3][i]"Geez, you're all so boring sometimes you know."[/i][/h3][/center] [u]Name:[/u] Meiji Shiri [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Godly Parent + Description:[/u] Gong De Tian, the traditional Chinese goddess of luck [u]Powers & Equipment:[/u] Meiji has a "passive" ability which luck is always on her side most of the time. Skilled at gymnastics and ribbon dancing, her weapons are actually a pair of sword-whips known as "Dancing Dragons" It goes without saying that trying to gamble against her will only net you a loss. [u]Strengths & Weaknesses:[/u] Meiji is incredibly flexible and agile, making her hard to hit in close combat and the fact most her weapons are whip-based makes blocking her attacks hard at best and futile at worse. Her luck, while being a huge advantage is also her biggest disadvantage. When paired with her happy-go-lucky attitude, she is often very carefree and reckless. Dangerous as her luck does run out sometimes. [u]Other:[/u] Meiji has worked as a DJ in the past under the stage name "Re_St0ration", developed a taste in house and electronic music as a result. [/hider]