Ok I got this idea and wanted to pass it by some people to see if there's interest. So Shifters are people, but not really. They look like people, but they can transform into animals, or mythical creatures. So one shifter could turn into a cat, while another is a dragon, but you won't know unless they change. Bid thing is they've been living among us since forever, but no one ever knew, until recently. They messed up, one of them got captured and some messed up scientist accidentally forced them to change. Now the world knows, some people are welcoming, but most are rioting against them. Imagine the Salem Witch hunts but on a worldwide scale. Suddenly everyone is a shifter if they piss off their neighbor. The real tragedy is that global courts have ruled that as shifters are neither human nor animal then they don't fall under any of the protection laws of both categories. So now scientists are experimenting on them without restriction and the populace are able to do as they please to them without repercussion. Now, obviously some shifters are fighting back, defending themselves, but not really effectively. Not until one of them rises up to bring them together, to defend them, and ultimately crush the humans that attack them, to put them in their place beneath the heal of shifter rule. Yet, for ever revolution there is resistance, but who? Why another group of shifters who just want peace, who don't want to rule the humans, or get revenge, but to live with them, in harmony. So now the world is torn in three, the rebel shifters, the peaceful ones, and the humans who believe they have to defend themselves from the rebel shifters, and attack the rest. So what do you think? Sound good or not, let me know ^^