Annabella turned slightly, raising an eyebrow when he told her not to go that way. His excuse was that the alpha didn't like humans. She snorted and shook her head, "And how do [i]you[/i] know this. If the wolves didn't like humans I doubt they would let the likes of you around them. She shook her head, rolling her eyes at the man before she turned her back to him and continued to go the way toward the wolf pack. They had to be close. Maybe a half mile away if she was correct. She paused, looking about the ground for tracks and other indications that she was heading the right way. As she looked about int he snow, she stood there and started brushing her long blonde hair back from her face and fix it into a pony tail, trying to ignore the man behind her, hoping he wouldn't continue to pester her when she was trying to get work done. Conner thought about her reasons for a moment, scratching his chin in thought, then nodded in agreement, "Yeah I suppose those are valid points. Well, class in here doesn't start for another hour or two, so feel free to stay here as long as you'd like Natalie Silver." He chuckled and moving back to his seat he had been sitting in, sat down, glancing over at her and nodding his head to the chair next to him in a silent offer for her to sit next to him if she so wished, before he went back to the sketch he was working on. It was a sketch of a rose and was very much in great detail, as he liked all of his artwork to be.