[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/PqhXRak.png[/img][/center] [B]Name:[/B] Rhodri Ceredigion [B]Age:[/B] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Godly Parent:[/b] Rhiannon [b]Description of Godly Parent:[/b] A beautiful queen from the Otherworld in the [i]Mabinogion[/i], Rhiannon is an arrogant and powerful woman with the strength of a horse, an animal she is commonly associated with. She is featured prominently in the First and Third Branches of the text, as the consort of Pwyll, the Prince of Dyfed, and a "goddess of sovereignty". The hero, Pryderi, is her son. [b]Appearance:[/b] A handsome redhead standing at a height of five foot ten, Rhodri takes after his legendary mother in beauty, possessing a well-defined and powerful physique that, had he been of Greek extraction, brought about comparisons to Adonis himself. It is a beauty that he is not beyond flaunting, frequently forgetting to button up the shirts he dons and allowing his chest to be in full view of any who wish to ogle him. He does not mind, after all, for he is proud in his appearance, whether it be his sharp jaw, pretty face and energetic emerald eyes or the athleticism of his body. A bracelet hangs from his left wrist, featuring what appears to be cutesy-looking white stallion. [b]Skills/Powers/Weapons:[/b] As a son of Rhiannon, Rhodri possesses powers associated with his godly mother. He has incredible strength and stamina, capable of carrying a great amount on his back for long distances as if he was a beast of burden, and can command and speak to equines. Thanks to the mystical powers of the Three Birds of Rhiannon, he also holds the ability to lull the living into a state of sleep, as well as the opposite, which provides him the power to "wake the dead". Despite his youth and looks, the Briton is a surprisingly experienced hand-to-hand fighter, leveraging his naturally immense strength against those who seek to combat him. He also happens to be a good homemaker, having developed the skills through burdening himself with assisting his human father with cooking, cleaning and in general caring for his younger half-siblings. Rhodri is also relatively charismatic, making use of his looks on a number of occasions to influence others. [b]Strengths/Weaknesses:[/b] Having inherited the strength and beauty of his mother, Rhodri can be especially dangerous if he leverages his talents well, and is an absolute pain to fight in close-quarters, where his stamina and power allow him to fight on a high level. Coupled with his ability to send people to sleep (though a power limited by range), few have been able to approach him. However, from a distance he cannot bring his full force to bear, nor can he induce sleep in his foes. His necromantic abilities, though seemingly powerful, do not afford him any control whatsoever over the creatures he raises, and so is at risk himself from the danger. [b]Other:[/b] Rhodri has three, younger half-siblings, and lives with his single father in Gloucester.