[quote=TaliPaendrag] @Matt: I'm going to have to say no. That is way above the power threshold here, sorry. [/quote] Ummm... What do you mean? My character is less powerful than a number of people here, including your characters. He's difficult to damage, yes, but again, he has an average persons pain threshold, so someone punching him in the face feels just as painful to him as it would to you. In fact, i was aiming for the same power-catagory as Lizard Man from the front page. He throws fire-balls like the Wicked Witch of the West, and defends himself with Ankh's like Doctor Fate. And the "Ender of the World" thing is there as somewhere for his power to progress to. Naturally, i'm not going to be busting him out for every fight, honestly, i thought he could work as maybe a boss at somepoint. I mean, as I point out with all RP's like this, what can I do? I can godmode, but then I get kicked out... What purpose does that serve? Wait... I think I see what you were referring to. No, his demi-god form isn't a power boost, it's a purely cosmetic change. Hell, out of all of his powers, only 3 are actually applicable in battle... I'm willing to tone him down a little if you want.