[@kapuchu] Looks fine to me, just as long as she's only able to control small critters in that form. [@Click This] Yeah, you're good to go, and I'll let Ashifili decide where to put you at, since there's currently multiple groups of two. [quote=@Ashifili] [@Gnar The Missing Link] Gnar, two things. First off, seeing how my groups are only two people each, do I put Click into one of them? Second off, in regards to the post with Sentinel dodging, are you controlling them? Or do we? And are we expected to reach the castle at the end of our post, or not? Also, what even are the capabilities of these Sentinels? Are they like...way faster than us? [/quote] I'll leave Click's fate up to you~ As for the Sentinels... I'll control them for the most part, but you guys are allowed to do minor stuff with them, and it'll take about one or two posts to get to the castle. As for their capabilities, they're not quite fast initially, but once their armor comes off they can be quite hard to shake off... also, if they do start fighting you, they excel quite well in physical combat while resisting most magics. You would have to chip away their armor in order to actually deal damage to them and theiir cores (think of them like Darknuts from Zelda). However, you aren't fighting them, as you are avoiding them, keep that in mind.