[i]Ssst... thunk![/i] Ephraim gave a small smile as his arrow hit the bullseye, unlike the arrows of those he was teaching. [color=9e0039]"Your stance is important."[/color] He said, his cultured voice sounding somewhat bored. [color=9e0039]"Your hind foot should be parallel to the target, your front foot facing towards the target. Now, nock an arrow."[/color] He waited as they did so, then nocked his own. [color=9e0039]"Keep the bow tilted slightly, so the arrow doesn't fall off. Hold your arm out straight, and don't let it get in the way of the bowstring. Now, draw back, touching your middle finger to the corner of your mouth. Sight down the arrow, aim quickly, and fire."[/color] Following his own instructions, he watched in satisfaction as he scored another perfect bullseye. To his pleasure, the aim of his students had improved. [color=9e0039]"I'll expect an hour's practice time each day."[/color] Ephraim raised his voice over the groans he heard from his students. [color=9e0039]"Be silent! This is a matter of life or death. One day, what I am teaching you will save your life. And when that day comes, I want you to live because of skill, not [i]luck.[/i] Luck has no place in war. Only your skill can save you, and it's my duty to ensure that your skill is as high as it can possibly be."[/color] He surveyed his students, walking behind the line of archers, his black trench coat flaring out behind him. [color=9e0039]"You know what is out there. You know the forces that want us dead. Not only the monsters, but also the gods. We have to be vigilant, that when the time comes for war, that we can stand and fight." "It may seem hopeless. Zeus, Odin, and Horus are against us, along with many other gods. But we have Nyx and Hades on our side. Loki and Set stand with us. And many more."[/color] He stopped to correct the stance of a younger girl. [color=9e0039]"With their support, we can win this battle that faces us. We [i]must[/i] win. And by all the gods!"[/color] Ephraim raised his voice here, grabbing the attention of all his students. [color=9e0039]"We will be victorious! I swear it!"[/color] Over the rousing cheer that went up, only Ephraim heard the amused female voice. [color=440e62]"You know, for someone who doesn't like talking, you really know how to work a crowd."[/color] [color=9e0039]"I have little other choice, Nycteris."[/color] Ephraim stated with a frown. [color=9e0039]"They look to me for guidance, and I must provide it."[/color] He turned to face Nyx's daughter. [color=9e0039]"No matter how much I despise it."[/color] Smirking, Nycteris reached out and poked him. [color=440e62]"Loosen up a bit. Yes, war is coming, but it's not here yet. Have a little fun, maybe find a girl. It won't hurt, I promise."[/color] She rolled her eyes playfully. [color=9e0039]"Until this war is fought and won, I have no time for such trivial matters."[/color] Ephraim scowled slightly, as he did every time she brought up the idea. [color=440e62]"Trivial?"[/color] Nycteris scoffed. [color=440e62]"You know as well as I do that a little R&R can do wonders for soldiers, especially ones this young."[/color] She glanced over at the line of archers-in-training, watching as a couple of teenagers exchanged kisses between flights of arrows. "[color=440e62]They have to grow up too soon. You grew up [i]years[/i] too soon. Sometimes it does you good to let yourself act your age. Think about it."[/color] She walked off backwards as she spoke those last few words, then turned and went on her way. Ephraim watched her go before turning back to the targets and picking up his bow. Taking a deep breath, he released another arrow. Although his aim never wavered, his heart wasn't in it, not really. Nycteris's words, although they were nothing new, ran in circles in his mind. [i]Think about it.[/i] Ha. He wouldn't be able to [i]stop[/i] thinking about it for a while now.