Don't know if you are still accepting members but here is a CS if you are! [hider=Beanna] Name: Beanna Age: 19 Gender: F Godly parent: Babd Brief description of godly parent: Babd is part of the triple goddess Morrigan. Babd specifically takes the form of either a young maiden or a crow. She watches over the battlefields and ferries the dead to the next life. The complete triple goddiss of The Morrigan is the great phantom queen. She is the queen of death and rebirth. She is the god of strife and sovereignty in Irish mythology. While not a minor god to the Irish Babd is one of the three sisters that combine to become The Morrigan. The other two "aunts" of hers are called Macha and Anand. Appearance: [hider=pic] [img][/img] [/hider] Skills/Powers/Weapons: She is a skilled witch unmatched by mortals in the realms of spells that deal with both death and rebirth. In short she is a necromancer. She bends souls of the living into new forms and carries them to the next life. She may animate the dead corpses of not only animals and people but plants as well. She is also a talented tactition on the battlefield and often uses her wits and cunning to win a battle rather than relying on her magical prowess. Basic reanimation of corpses would be the main skillset she has however there are advancements that can be made. - Necrotic explosion: Is an enhancement she can give to a body that then absorbs more of her magical power. When it doe or on her command the body will explode and create a blast of negative energy that harms the living. It does not harm her or the other reanimated creatures and does not create an actual physical blast. IT cannot harm a door for example. - Tough Flesh: Is an enhancement that makes the flesh of the corpse tough as leather and makes it harder to harm it with regular weapons. - Frozen Flesh: An enchantment that can only be used in the winter months. She uses freshly fallen slow or ice as an additional magical conduit and she freezes the body solid to create an undead thats touch freezes all that it grasps. A single touch can cause frostbite to a normal mortal. However if they are exposed to fire or heat the bodies will melt and break down. - Soul Awakening: In this ability she can take the actual soul of an individual and stitch it into a body. The body will then have free will rather than be under her control. However she can stich a soul into more or less anything. She has sealed souls into mirrors and swords as well as dead bodies. She cannot force the souls to answer or corporate with her as she does not have the power to infringe on their free will. - Channeling: She can channel a soul into her own body temporarily in a self created possession that can allow others to communicate with spirits through her. - Necrotic Touch: She can channel her magical energy through her hands and transfer it through a gentle touch. This touch immediately kills the living flesh she touches and it begins to rot away. It spreads but slowly. If touched on the arm one may remove the "infected" area before it spreads to more vital parts of the body. Strengths/Weaknesses: Her cunning and ability to spread her magic where it needs to be. While none of her magic is distinctly destructive in a widespread way she can reanimate corpses to do her bidding which can amount up to a powerful force if left unchecked. However one on one her damaging capabilities are far less than many of the other demi-gods and is not suited for combat herself. She requires a conduit of sorts to channel her magic. She has but one spell that she can use without it. She uses strategy and tactics to make situations at her advantage Other: She has a pet crow that is her familiar. The familiar will not die of old age so long as she lives and she can look through the eyes of the crow as it flies overhead. She can do a true reanimation of the crow unlike her false reanimation of the living dead. The crow can have a single spell stored on it at a time and can be remotely activated. However the crow itself will not actually have any magical abilities other than its ability to link and send images through its sight back to Beanna. Her staff is made of dark wood soaked in blood which gives it the reddish appearance. The gold on the tip is forged from the crowns of fallen kings. It is the only physical item that her mother has ever bestowed upon her. It works to focus her magic and if she were to ever loose it the effectiveness and power of her spells would be depleted greatly. [/hider]