Interesting. This man, this gargoyle man, had just made the negotiations more difficult, for himself. Showing even the mildest of concern for the Ebon Knights gave their lives, and deaths, value. However, his final question lowered her esteem of him. She decided to address that first, her smile softening in her disappointment, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Such an archaic view. All things have real value, blood included. The only reason he would've been killed, before selling his mate, is because I would've acquired the remainder of his assets anyways. Killing simple because he owed me is pointless, I gain nothing from it. If you should learn anything from our meeting today, know this. I always come out ahead."[/b][/i][/color] Her displeasure was quite evident now, and she made no attempt to hide this. The rest of her tribe shifted a bit nervously in their positions, with the exception of Gerhein. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Furthermore, when I ask you a question, specifically that concerning business, I expect you to answer properly, not with more questions. If you are here just to waste my time, I will take my profit from you and be on my way. My base price for your mother is a single copper, for she is worth nothing to me."[/b][/i][/color] Gerhein quickly removed his gauntlets, as if he were preparing to use those monstrous hands properly. Her tribe looked on with both nervousness and fear, all of this building into quite the palpable realm of tension. For the briefest of moments, it seemed as if the tattooed vine upon her body wiggled in anticipation, while her eyes appeared crimson. Then all of a sudden, the tension died with a sigh of relief from Keelie. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"I apologize. This interruption of these Knights has annoyed me. I am not greedy, and I'm told you are the same. I could ask for exorbitant sums for your mother, that you could not possibly afford, but why kill the herd, when I can simply take a single deer every so often? So my price, as you requested is this. Your business. I wish for you to supply my tribe, through an intermediary, with weapons and armor as needed. And we will pay a fair price for these, whatever you would charge a normal customer."[/b][/i][/color] One of the Treggers began to stir. Keelie tsked lightly, drew her long, curved hunting knife, and with the ease of breathing, loosed it quickly. It plunged deep, all the way to the hilt, between the bones, deep into Talif's heart. A single breath forced its way out, then he was forever silent. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"As for these three, well two now, their fate depends on the deal we make, or don't make. You could ask how, but I find that it is much more enjoyable, especially where Knights are concerned, to leave a few things in mystery. So, what do you think of my offer?"[/b][/i][/color]