Oops, hope I didn't wait too late! [b]Name:[/b] Adrian Nicholson [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Godly Parent:[/b] Agni, Hindu god of fire [b]Brief description of godly parent:[/b] The Hindu minor god, Agni, is said to be a son of Dyaus and Prithivi; he is called the son of Brahma. An immortal considered a priest that rises before the dawn. He is represented as a red man, having three legs and seven arms, dark eyes, eyebrows and hair. He rides on a ram, and wears a poita (Brahmanical thread). Flames of fire issue from his mouth, and seven streams of glory radiate from his body. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3w1SeKP.jpg?1[/img] Adrian stands at a solid 6 feet. Tan skin, green eyes, and shoulder length black hair usually tied into a bun or ponytail. Facial hair is usually shaved, though he'll let a goatee grow out from time to time. He's usually wearing something very loose, very casual. Maybe a hoodie and basketball shorts, maybe a t-shirt and baggy jeans. If he's not walking around barefoot, then he's wearing flip-flops. Let's be honest, to the uninitiated, he looks like a bum. [/hider] [b]Skills/Powers/Weapons:[/b] Given his heavenly heritage, Adrian naturally possesses a control over flame. This includes conjuration, manipulation, and resilience. Alongside this remarkable ability, his body boasts feats of impressive speed and durability. [b]Strengths/Weaknesses:[/b] Anyone can tell you, fire is as destructive as it is helpful. And Adrian has these...tendencies. An abundance of flame (say, a wildfire) is uncontrollable in the boy's eyes. Not only that, but such an abundance brings out a urge in him, to keep the flame alive, to help it flourish and spread. In these episodes of arson, he tends to take on a look closer resembling his father. A red skinned, seven armed form, with flames pouring from his lips. With an axe of flame in each hand, he mindlessly lays waste to everything in his vicinity. It was why he was at the Refuge, after all. He considered it a place to keep his abilities under control. He curses the existence of his godly parent and has no intention on practicing his religion, wishing he was never bestowed with such a "gift". [b]Other:[/b] He keeps these negative urges at bay through meditation, and through general camaraderie and social interaction. He figures if he can keep these urges out of mind and out of body, he can keep them under control. As a result he tends to present himself as approachable and friendly.