Name: Jasper Quelling Age: 18 Gender: Male Godly parent: Ah Muzen Cab Brief description of godly parent:God of Honey and Bees. Not much is know about the Mayan God, except that he gave man honey and taught them how to use bees. Appearance: [img][/img] Skills/Powers/Weapons:He uses a single dagger for knife combat, and can control bees. Hia father is the god of bees so most bees listen to his orders. He can also talk to bees as well, and learned how to make the sweetest honey. Strengths/Weaknesses: The boy is light on his feet. He is faster than most. And has good knife fighting skills. Like bees in a hive he has and inspires a sense of unity in and of combat and always has a friendly air around him. His weaknesses are his lack of strength, and the bees do sting him too. Sometimes the bees get angry when they get bossed around by someone who is not thier god or their queen so they might sting him. Other: Jasper loves making honey. He makes pretty good honey too, even making it in differrnt colors depending on the season.