[hider=Johnny Hisachi] Name: Johnny Hisachi Age: 28 Gender: Male Godly parent: Omoikane Brief description of godly parent: The Shinto god of wisdom and intellect, Omoikane is a thinker, deliberator, and a consistent giver of good counsel. However due to this he is also not any kind of fool. He could see the conflict coming well before the seeds were sown and has prepared all his children for this eventuality ever since. While neither vulnerable nor all powerful he doesn't need to be, his natural wisdom and intellect combined with multiple millennia's worth of existence more than make up for this fact. Appearance:[img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/saintsrow/images/b/b6/Johnny_Gat_Super_Homie_Concept_Art_06.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/195?cb=20150530172511[/img] Skills/Powers/Weapons: Johnny arms himself in the best arms and armor he can get his hands on at all times. Embracing modern forms of combat he excels in all manner of firearms and tactical gear. He keeps an assault rifle on his hip, sniper rifle on his back, and a pistol in a thigh mounted holster. As a connection to his more ancient roots he keeps a Damascus steel short sword in a scabbard on the opposite side of his back. Of course he changes his loadout of these various weapons depending on the mission. He's also been trained in martial arts including krav maga, judo, and traditional forms of karate. His main power is the one handed down from his father, enhanced intellect and wisdom. He has been personally taught by his father in all things and Johnny himself has the ability to process multiple strings of thought at once. Leading him to be a brilliant tactician, thinker, trainer, and planner. His own mind honed to a fine point. He has used this ability alongside his father to amass a by no means inconsiderable amount of material wealth. While not directly influencing any event, he does opt to benefit from them like anyone else. Strengths/Weaknesses: His strengths are that he is a much better thinker and talker than most demigods and almost all people. He will out maneuver opponents and plan for most any eventuality long before he sees the battlefield. However he is neither omniscient nor is he all seeing. He can merely plan for what in all likelihood will happen, he posses no special future sight or premonitions. He is in no way immune to damage either, his father can be injured or killed and so can he, not possessing any special durability he has to fight smarter instead of harder should he plan to survive the coming conflict. He also needs to focus his talents on making strong allies who may form a shield around him. Other: Born of his godly father and an American service woman, Johnny grew up in two worlds. Both godly and human alongside the heritages of both Japan and the United States. His father was a stern man but more so out of necessity than any kind of ill will. As he grew older he found why his father had been strict and in fact Omoikane himself started to lighten up as his child more fully understood the situation at hand. His mother had imparted a respect for the mortal world and the west in general while his father still held that Japan was the first and most important land like many of the other Kami. This lead to Johnny have a healthy dose of respect for the world at large, realizing that while his godly family would always be his first concern, the gods of all lands that history seemed to gloss over deserved their respect. Johnny grew up knowing that the major polytheistic religions dominated the conversation, the Greco-roman, Norse, and Egyptian gods chief among them. The more naturalistic and isolated gods of Asia, Africa, and the Americas, while far more numerous, held no real power. These deities focused more on their lands than in direct interaction and interference in human lives. He accepted and preferred these gods, ones who kept to their own devices over meddling. Ultimately it was this marginalization of his entire family and their kind that lead him to the sanctuary. He maintains a grove of his own in the sanctuary. A large one dedicated to the natural beauty of the world. Of course, in the center sits a shrine honoring the natural beauty of the Shinto gods and the beauty of his homeland, but in various sections equidistant from the center are shrines celebrating the beauty of nature found in all lands. Each is broken down first by continent then by climate. Help from various children of natural gods and spirits lend the large grove a sense of serene beauty for any preference. From Jungles and Forests to plains and deserts, no type of climate or land was excluded. It was a place for children of any marginalized pantheon to come and find a sense of peace. Having trained his whole life for this war he is at peak physical and mental form for whatever is to come. Armed in the best equipment money can buy he keeps himself ready at all times to either plan and advise or take action in order to defend the natural balance of things. The gods who meddle in the affairs of the world once again seeking to overthrow the peace and order of things, Johnny is unwilling to let this happen. [/hider]