A bitter evening breeze seeped around the agents of the Consano as they trotted along the cobbled highway to Minorhold. Each night had seemed to grow colder and soon the frost would turn to sheets of snow. It was the fourth night of travelling and they were mere hours away from their destination. They would have gotten there by then had they taken the most direct route, but Buxton and Chester decided it better to loop round from the south, and avoid as much danger as possible. After all, it’d be a waste to lose all their agents before they even reached their first stop. Fortunately the journey thus far had been eerily quiet and uneventful. No travellers, refugees or infected had been seen, despite how close they still were to supposedly plagued territory. However even with the lack of confrontation, Lady Buxton and Sir Chester were still on guard, their eyes snapping to any source of sound as they travelled along. The section of road that they were on was dangerous even before the plague, with thick woodland on both sides where ambushers could hide. The massive tree branches hung over the road and blocked out the stars, making it feel more like a tunnel. [b]"Did you hear that?”[/b] whispered Chester as he raised his hand and brought his horse, and thus those behind him, to a halt. Buxton shut her eyes and tried to focus her other senses. She could smell smoke on the air, and could hear the faintest sound of screaming. [b]"We should be coming up to a guard tower, they may be under attack”[/b] she pulled her polearm from her back and looked back towards the others. [b]"Teams 1 and 2 will advance on foot and evaluate the situation! Team 3 will stay back and guard the horses and packs!”[/b] This would be the first time that the Consano were tested, and it would show who amongst them were and were not strong enough for the mission. Even the most seasoned soldiers there showed signs of apprehension, with Chester himself feeling beads of sweet forming on the ridge of his hairline as his adrenaline quickly began to rise. There was no telling what they would find down the road – it could be a few desperate bandits, or they could be running head first into the bulk of the horde. [b]"Get in two columns, Team 1 of the left, Team 2 on the right! Stay close and watch each other’s sides and backs! Once we’re moving try to keep quiet and make sure you keep up the pace! If you spot any hostiles then point them out!”[/b] Sir Chester gave his orders clearly and crisply, knowing full well that new recruits needed as much guidance as possible. He dismantled his horse with a big thud on the earth, his heavy boots giving his legs an added shock sensation. Before moving off beside Buxton he looked back at the agents and hoped that he would not have to bury them this day. The columns footsteps beat like drums as they lightly jogged along, the dozens of boots both leather and metal thumping down in near perfect synchronisation. The tension was so great that the short jog, which could not have taken more than a couple of minutes, felt like hours. When at last the columns turned the bend in the road and came into the opening, they stopped dead in their tracks as they were met with a vision of pure horror. [b]“By the gods…”[/b] gasped Gewain. There were more infected than could be counted in the dim moon light, rushing out of the trees and spreading out like a wave of blood and death. The smell of putrid flesh was overwhelming. Moans and screams carried over the area, a mixture of pain and rage, a pure expression of the magic that bound them. They ran frantically at the guard post, a moderate wooden tower and some tents surrounded by a square wooden palisade. Its gates were closed and holding for the moment, but would not last against the barrage of the undead. Candles could be seen flickering within the fort and along the wall, illuminating the grotesque and mangled faces of the monsters that threw themselves close enough. [b]“There may be survivors!”[/b] Buxton exclaimed, as she turned to the others. It was clear on her face that she was torn between actions. [b]“There are too many!”[/b] Chester said sternly. [b]“Few compared to what we’ll have to face in the coming days. They are not intelligent nor armed. Each of us is worth more than a dozen of them, so I fancy our odds. Besides, if there’s survivors then they may have some of the answers we seek.”[/b] Those around Buxton did not seem convinced. [b]“Shikoba and Mathis, return to the others and tell them to retreat to the road south of here; it interjects this one a few miles on. We can’t afford to lose the horses!”[/b] she commanded, causing the two to quickly head back off in the direction they had come. [b]“So are we cleaving our way through?”[/b] Sir Chester asked with a hint of condescension. [b]“No. Both teams head for the rear of the fort and help each other over. Once inside make sure it’s clear of hostiles. We’ll try hold the fort from the inside, and if not retreat into the forest with any survivors. Everyone ready?!”[/b] there was little more than a few nervous mutters in response, but it was enough. [b]”Then with me!”[/b] Buxton roared as she turned and thrust herself towards the small hoard. The Consano charged forwards weapons in hands, some beginning to yell in desperate fear or bloodlust. Nearby infected quickly took notice and began to intercept them, sprinting with no apparent restraints or fatigue. Buxton adjusted her trajectory to meet the closest head on, lifting her Guandao with both hands. As Buxton and the infected met she thrust the blade forward and upward in a simple but effective and strong motion, stabbing through the mans face and killing him instantly. Without a chance to think she swung the blade up to her right, chopping into another’s neck. In the corner of her eyes she could see other agents now fighting too, but all continued to edge towards the wall. Gewain, Orwen and Drusus were the only three not to get drawn into the fighting line, instead continuing on as ordered to the wall. Gewain and Drusus did not seem to notice that others had been held back, whereas Orwen simply did not care. As they reached the palisade Orwen tried futily to jump it, but simply bounced straight off it with a large thud. He frantically climbed to his feet before turning to the others, [b]"You! Quickly! Help me over!”[/b] Gewain responding without thinking, placing his hands together so that Orwen could climb up. Drusus meanwhile seemed to be taking in his surroundings and providing the two with cover. Orwen clumsily managed to pull himself atop the wooden wall, his hands and forearms taking splinters as he did so. Once up he sat and looked around, seeing only silhouettes on the other side of the fort. He could not tell whether they friend or foe, and suddenly thought it better that he was not the first to find out. [b]"Give me your hands, I’ll help you over from up here!”[/b] he ordered, looking at the two below him. He noticed others now nearing the three, along with more infected. [b]"Hurry![/b]