[color=9e0039]"And what happens when you find yourself with only a bow to defend yourself?"[/color] Ephraim spoke from behind Victoria, still holding his bow. [color=9e0039]"Many of our enemies will be using these old-fashioned weapons. What happens when you run out of bullets and the only weapon you have is a sword lifted from a dead enemy? We need to train you all to be at least familiar with how to use these old-fashioned weapons, which are still as deadly as when they were still widely used. If you think these weapons are useless, then maybe you're in the wrong class."[/color] Stepping back, he raised his voice. [color=9e0039]"Anyone who thinks bows are outdated and useless weapons, please raise your hands."[/color] Ephraim's eyes swept over the line of archers as the odd hand rose.