Jacque shook his head slowly after Habb's request for a weapon and proposition to assist those that were still inside the building he and the others had fled, "[color=0054a6]I wouldn't recommend going back in there. I admit that it'd be wrong to leave them to whatever fate might be waiting for them, but we don't know how many enemies are in there, nor how well equipped they are to kill whatever happens to be in their way. For that matter-[/color]". The following words died in Jacque's throat, he completely forgot the point he was trying to make as a very large pack of wolves flitted out from the forest. Jacque was no stranger to wolves, he'd hunted them, been hunted [i]by[/i] them, and even seen a few tribes use them like hunting dogs, under normal circumstances he would have simply found it odd that the pack was so large and either chalked it up as there being plentiful prey or that the pack had yet to splinter. These were not normal circumstances; the wolves had goddamn wings. No amount of strange shit Jacque had seen in his life had prepared him for the sight of wolves with wings. The corner of the forest dweller's mouth twitched as he tried to find an appropriate response, what came out was a resounding "[color=0054a6]WHAT THE FUCK!?[/color]". The outburst was sudden and Jacque's voice as booming as it was bewildered. He reached up and somewhat cartoonishly rubbed his eyes before he did a double take. The presence of the creatures was shocking enough, what made things worse, was Diego's request that Habb captured one of the beasts. Jacque's face paled a bit as he turned to look at Diego with an incredulous expression, "[color=0054a6]How, pray tell, are you expecting those things to be captured? Wait a moment, forget that question. A better one would be: What makes you think that a pack of wolves will not only not tear anyone that comes near them apart, but would willingly allow themselves to be ridden?[/color]".