[hider=CS] [center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/2cn11y.jpg[/img][sup][h1][sub][i]Giles Aeron Kingston[/i][/sub][/h1][/sup][/center] [indent][sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=#58ACFA]blood status[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Pureblood [/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=#58ACFA]age[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]11, born 21 September[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=#58ACFA]gender[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Male[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=#58ACFA]personality[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent] It is a well-circulated and true rumour that the Kingston suffer from a centuries old curse: they may bear only one child, thus they are fiercely protective of their own by any mean necessary. Their reputation precedes them and serves as a foremost deterrent to any harm that might threaten their kin. They strive to acquire knowledge and power; their reach is immense. Rumour has it that the Kingston puppet the Ministry of Magic, having had done so for generations, and that they know almost all the secrets about almost everyone in the world. Rumour has it that their curse was cast by Lord Voldemort himself, maybe even Merlin, or the great Salazar Slytherin, which is why they can't break it. Rumour has it that if you cross a Kingston, your entire family will perish overnight - it happened to the Macpherson and the Higgins and the Flanagans. [hider=Hush!][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/ju8e37.gif[/IMG][/hider] The curse has shaped each Kingston. Most drastically and recently, Giles’ paternal grandfather, who graduated from Ravenclaw, became a Death Eater in an attempt to use Voldemort’s power. Aeron didn’t succeed in lifting the curse, but the atrocities he committed tainted the family name and worse, marred the memories of his wife and son about him. He disappeared from the common world after the War to spend the last of his withered life at home and passed away surrounded by his loved ones when Giles was one. While the surviving Kingston have never actively been on the dark side, the spike of notoriety gained was a bonus they use to their advantage; still, they did not want a repeat of the past. Giles was brought up to lead a happy loving life in the countryside mansion with a knowledge of the curse, to accept it was the way they were, but without an imposed sense of duty to break it. But that wasn’t to say they weren’t strict and disciplined about his studies nor did they stress the importance of protecting themselves from the dangers that lurked in every corner. The Kingston intend to maintain themselves as a wealthy, powerful, upper class family, that have been so for centuries, despite their single-lined genealogy. Giles is intelligent and curious, and his passive obedience to his parents and grandmother made him a joy to teach despite his paltry drive to succeed in traditional academia. They hardly had him away from their sides learning about theoretical magic in books and games to etiquette and socialising in any situation. Giles grasped the importance of not only using magic for protection but also social knowledge. He is always polite, friendly to everybody no matter who they were or how they appear and will not reasonably decline an invitation. He can be trusted to keep his word no matter what. On the flip side, he has little sense of loyalty to anyone but his family out of learning from them the utility of people; he doesn’t break the rules nor step out of bounds, not because he’s afraid but due to a murky feeling of danger, of fear and paranoia, his family has instilled in him. The other strong influence on his character was a brief friendship with a herd of centaurs that lived in the forest beside their land. Giles, intrigued and in awe of these magnificent creatures with their mysterious understanding of the world, honed a sense of honour and integrity not dissimilar to their ethos. The boy’s natural patience in what interests him and learned courtesy earned him the favour of the herd. Their culture further encouraged a sense of self-determination in his endeavours, particularly in creative, outlandish pursuits of knowledge or personal matters of importance. Giles owes a deep seated respect for magical creatures to the time he spent with the centaurs. [/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=#58ACFA]appearance[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Giles is lithe, of average height, with dark brown hair, sky blue eyes that charm with his easy smile, and an unblemished complexion that is hard to tan. He wears a parting gift from his family on his right ring finger that has been enchanted to stay on: the white-gold band was carved out to depict centaurs and the stars, it encircles the centrepiece blue diamond. His dressing style speaks of understated wealth and he presumes to own nothing less.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=#58ACFA]wand material[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Beech, Dragon heartstring, 12 inches, reasonably supple.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=#58ACFA]boggart[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]Fear of injection.[/indent][/indent] [sup][sup][h2][i][b][color=#58ACFA]other[/color][/b]:[/i][/h2][/sup][/sup][indent][indent]He is descended from a long line of Ravenclaw that had various marriages to other Houses and statuses. Relationships with Muggles were rare though not forbidden. His parents were Ravenclaw prefects. His father Vincent was an excellent Chaser and his mother Clair a scarily accurate Beater. Grandmother Josephine Waterford of Hufflepuff was not particularly notable except for her marriage into the Kingston family and her steadfast devotion to Aeron even at the worst of times. He’s straight, 99% sure of it. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider]