[color=9e0039]"And how will we buy these weapons? With money from the gods?"[/color] Ephraim scoffed. [color=9e0039]"We are not rich. I know the ways of war better than you ever will, [i]daughter of Prometheus[/i]. I do not force people to learn weapons they are not suited for. Out of these, I will find the natural archers. They will continue in my class. Others will be natural swordsmen. Natural axemen. And still others will have an affinity for modern weapons. They will find another class. Variety in our forces will work to our advantage, will it not?"[/color] He raised an eyebrow. [color=9e0039]"As you [i]obviously[/i] have no respect for me or the class I teach, you may go."[/color] Turning away from Victoria, he called out. [color=9e0039]"Bows down!"[/color] When everyone had lowered their bows, he inspected the targets, calling the names of those with the best aim. [color=9e0039]"If I have not called your name, you may be dismissed."[/color] [color=440e62]"You may have just made a very dangerous enemy."[/color] Nycteris had returned, and spoke to Victoria. [color=440e62]"Whether you knew it or not, you have just insulted his mother's favored weapon. Anuke does not appreciate insults of that kind, and neither does Ephraim."[/color] She shrugged. [color=440e62]"Besides, his teaching has produced some of the greatest archers in the Refuge."[/color]