"It would be enough for that, but going high profile so very early on might play to our own disadvantage. Tempting as it is. It would be better to fund the forces we already have. While a PMC would be a good ace in the hole, them being involved in one battle would alert the entirety of the world to our own existence. Imagine if they humans knew that the children of gods walked among them. In the long term that may be worse than all of us dying at once." Johnny replied, having already thought out hiring human fighters to come to their aid. There were a few ways that would end ultimately, none of them optimal in his line of thought. Either things would go back to the ways of old, with people begging favor from every god they now knew to exist, turning on them and slaughtering them all in fear, or gods get asked to join an international community which they would likely immediately set about dominating now that they were known.