Adrian couldn't help but chuckle as he lazily meandered on by the shooting range. Looked like target practice was subsiding for the day, and considering the familiar sounds of an argument, he could understand why. He didn't even have to see faces to know Victoria and Ephraim were butting heads. And even after the riveting conversation ended, and Nycteris took off for the woods, the air was still just ever so tense. Or maybe Adrian was confusing "tense" with "steadily dropping". He only realized he was mixing up words once Riley made his way towards the targets. [i]"Ugh, should've put on thicker shorts this morning."[/i] He thought, his bare legs receiving the brunt of the icy wind. Once Adrian reached Victoria and Johnny, Riley said some words that Adrian couldn't help but agree with. "Gotta side with Frosty on this one. I'll probably never be good with a bow, but I know I can hit someone with a fireball. With the same speed and strength of an arrow." Another gust of the cold front passed by, and sent a noticeable shiver down his spine. "...Though, it would be cool if we were working with something a little warmer." He mumbled a little softer, blowing a spew of flame into his cupped hands to warm them. "Vicky, Johnny." He brightly greeted the two. "Are you guys playing nice this morning?" He asked the way a doting mother asks her children. He may've shared Victoria's opinion on the gods and how not to worship them, he just didn't see himself being as...[i]militant[/i] as she was. [i]"Militant? Is that the word i'm looking for...? Driven. Driven sounds better."[/i]