Name: Simon Kilpela Age: 19 Gender: Male Godly parent: Kalma Brief description of godly parent: Kalma is a Finnish goddess of death and decay, her name meaning "The Stench of Corpses".Her favorite places to linger are graveyards and cemeteries and some sources have state that she moves on a vehicle of odors, much like a puff of smoke. Appearance:[hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Skills/Powers/Weapons: * Withering touch: He can sap the very life from something via skin contact, although not instantaneous, if he holds on long enough it can eventually result in death. * Decaying touch: Much like his ability above, but more applicable on non-living things, forcing them to decay at a rapid rate with the touch of his hand. * Reversal: He is able to reverse the effects he has done unto others, if he so wishes. * Seance: He is able to communicate with the spirits of the deceased; * and he also possesses a Valkyrja blade, of which he is proficient in the use of. Strengths/Weaknesses: Although he has a strong array of abilities he is left somewhat weak from prolonged usage, he knows how to hold his own with his blade, but is in no way a master, he possesses no increased physical capabilities but instead relies on his intellect to help navigate his way through a conflict. Other: Simon thoroughly enjoys sparring and improving his blade work, always willing to join in with the such exercises.