A small change in tone. Discernable, although her expressions were less indicative than her fellows around her. [i][b][Color=4863A0]"A dark cave echoes questions louder."[/color][/b][/i] A simple phrase used by the Gargoyles in reference to her annoyance at his own interrogation and lack of definitive answer. The analogy was rather easy to imagine, given the nature of the vivid expression. Henceforth since Gregory had no knowledge of this woman, he was the dark cave which gave such a response prying to know more about her. But he simply nodded in understanding of her less than satisfactory critique of his inquiries. [i][b][Color=4863A0]"The alternate would have been preferred. Selling her for his own hide. Disgraceful."[/color][/b][/i] There was an odd moment as if Gregory was caught between a grin and a growl. Perhaps the suggestion of the hypothetical was supposed to be taken as a joke? In honesty, had his step-father been killed, Gregory would be more enthusiastic for this trade off. To which he gave a dead-eyed stare at his mother who, looked back pitifully bound. There was something about watching her conduct business with all the cards on her side which was entertaining to watch. Not entertaining in the sense of wanting to record it on TiVo and watch it religiously, but more impressive to watch a shrewd business woman wear pants without wearing any pants. Then again Gregory wasn't exactly wearing pants either so the whole anachronistic allusion was rather moot. After little consideration, and probably watching her wet her phallic knife into another man's heart there was really no way to refuse and leave with three bodies.[i][b][Color=4863A0]"Warlord Keelie, your gracious terms are acceptable. My forge and hammer are yours."[/color][/b][/i] Gregory bowed his head slightly towards her with a nod. [i][b][Color=4863A0]"A missing Ebon would not bode well for business. Ebon in good faith in lieu of Mother until the first transaction is satisfactory."[/color][/b][/i] An odd sacrificial move. Although there was reason for Mother to stay there, she would be safe with them in order for Keelie to maintain leverage. Taking the Ebon back would put the ebon knight in the pocket of the business venture. While also ensuring fewer people were harmed in the process. One already died during negotiations another is not needed. [i][b][Color=4863A0]"Warlord Keelie, will you honor my proposal?"[/color][/b][/i]