Villeth was uncertain why the elves were holding back. They were the first race, with the most powerful magics known to creation and endless vaults of forbidden artifacts sealed away from the rest of the world for its own protection. The paladins of Correlon Larethian were nowhere to be seen. She'd heard of devotees to Labelas Enoreth, seeing the future, freezing time and moving like lightning, then there were the followers of Solonor Thelindria, god of hunters, who were nearly invisible and could caress a hummingbird's wing with their arrows and a dozen others. She also had to wonder why there were no thorned briars erupting from the charcoal treated earth. Leather Leaf and Ironoak were normally resistant to fire and they had burned down in short order. Villeth suspected a trap. The dark elven woman considered possibilities. After all, the undead army was pressed up tight against the wall. It would be the prefect time to counter attack from behind. Alternatively, now that the they were near the cleared portion adjacent to the wall the entire army was exposed to magical strikes from the skies above or possibly attacks from the avariel, the elven tribe that was gifted with wings by Aedrie Faenya, goddess of wind and sky.