Rikyu nodded at Kimura and did 24 more jumps, then again ducked away quickly. As Kimura finished his jumps Rikyu said from behind Michiko, "Coach, thank you for joining," and Michiko reacted by tripping backwards, but Rikyu quickly caught her hand before she fell. Rikyu pulled Michiko back up to a standing position, saving her from falling down the sidelines. "Sorry coach," Rikyu said, his head down. "It's fine," Michiko said, "I'm just glad you caught me. As for the thanks of me joining, don't be thankful, it's me who's glad I could join, like any of you I'm here to enjoy a good season," with a smile, still a bit in shock by the near fall. "Okay, good to hear," Rikyu said, and then Michiko remembered something. "How do you get around so fast when people aren't looking?" Michiko asked, and for the first time since he came to this school Rikyu gave a smile. "I don't go fast at all. People just think I'm still somewhere else when I'm walking or running somewhere else, despite my tendency to appear, no matter how much someone knows about me, when someone with the ball has a person running at them from the front, they don't expect a sudden steal from the side, my steals can't be stopped no matter how skilled the player, the basketball normal people play relies on instinct, and the basketball I play relies on exploiting that instinct," he said, scaring Michiko a bit with the way he said it. Rikyu kind of sounded like a future serial killer like that. Meanwhile, Masaru went into thought about the teams and strategies. Kimura seemed pretty fast and agile from what Masura could see on the hexagon, and Izumi had efficiency, and by her comment to Michiko about suicide drills being fun with a ball to dribble she probably had some ball handling skills. If Kimura and Izumi were good 3-point shooter they would be great for triple threat using Izumi, able to pass to Izumi for a 3-pointer, dribble around the opponent and pass to Masaru for a lay-up or maybe a dunk. Although Masaru's jumping skills are great his dunking ratio is only around 40%, a lay-up would be safer. Meanwhile, Masaru's opposition. Naoki had a decent height and ball handling skills, those combined make a great offensive player, able to avoid most steals with his handling skills than a dunk or a fadeaway with his height would have been near impossible to block. Taki had great developing speed, but used all his raw strength in his movements, his shooting and passing skills are probably much weaker while Taki is running. And then Rikyu. Rikyu could still steal from a player with eyes in the back of his head, and could make a pass seem to curve, there has been more than one occasion Rikyu still wasn't noticed when he caught and passed a catch, making the pass seem to just curve. Masaru give a smile at the teams, and said under his breath, "Game on,"