[center][h3][color=598527]Corinthe[/color][/h3] [IMG]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M63e8dcc323bdaf508759b1fef4d0d72dH1&=160&=160&c=7&pid=Api[/IMG] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Assembly Hall and new room [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Peter[/center] [@MiddleEarthRoze] [hr][hr] The Assembly was not as inspiring as Corinthe had hoped it to be, and her exitement had faded somewhat. Nevertheless it was pretty informative about what the year was going to look like and some of the questions she held were answered in the speech. Still, it was too long and too boring to keep her attention until the end. Her focus shifted to the people around her. Left and right of her were her new friends. She was glad the group stuck together for more than just the puzzle. The other students interested her as well. She observed. A lot of them were bored to death by the speech of the headmaster. There were some duo's, trio's and groups of people. Friends, she supposed. Though some looked more like they were siblings. Which struck her as odd, since from her mortal school experience she remembered that brothers and sisters weren't always the best of friends. She had none though, so she wouldn't know. Unless she was to find out somehow that she did have brothers or sisters. The more she thought about it, the more it seemed likely that she did. There were a lot of other students. So either only the other gods had multiple children, or there were at least some related to her here as well. [i][color=598527]Children of Hades, where are you?[/color][/i] Her eyes went over the crowd of students. The only thing that she could go on was that there was a good chance that they weren't blond. But that still left half of the students. After the speech, Corinthe went to pick up her key with Peter. Apparently there would be some kind of party later. Which she definitely wanted to go to, but first she had to get into her new room and unpack a bit. Install her stuff. Make herself feel at home. Well, not that there was much to unpack. But at least she wanted to ditch the backpack. The room wasn't that hard to find. And The appartment looked really nice. During her travels, only a few times, she had slept in the more luxurious bedrooms. Money wasn't a problem, but simple was enough for her and spending on what she didn't need seemed decadent. So she knew luxury, but she was used to less than what she found when she opened the door of her room. She threw her backpack on the bed first, and then herself. It was really comfortable. This new life certainly wasn't so bad so far. She hoped it would stay that way. After emptying her backpack and placing her stuff in and on the closet and the desk that the school had provided, she already felt more at home. Now that she was actually going to stay here for a longer time, she thought she needed a bit more to make it really look like hér room, instead of just á room. For now she only had the jewelery that she made and she made a little exposition of them on a shelf in the open closet. The rubies, emeralds and diamonds scattered the light through the room which gave a nice atmosphere. That was all she had right now, but she would get to equiponderate more, soon enough. First there was this party she was told about. She didn't have much when it came to clothing - it wasn't easy to travel with - but she did want to look good sometimes. So there was a very small selection she could choose from for tonight. From her closet she took the only dress she had at the moment. It was plain green and rather simple, but it suited her and she had grown rather fond of it. It matched her eyes as well. [hider][img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M983fccc2f99edcc530669afe3ac445f0H0&=160&=160&c=7&pid=Api[/img][/hider] This also meant that her trusted boots had to stay home tonight. And she put on the only other pair of shoes she had, which were also black, but much lighter and delicate. They fit pretty well with the dress. Finally she decided on her jewelry. Her bracelet would stay on. She had made it long ago, and it would fit to the rest of the outfit. [hider][img]https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M5a4172d11b63fb7fee5d29aa57269487o0&=160&=160&c=7&pid=Api[/img][/hider] With that she would wear earrings that she had made recently. With gold ofcourse. [hider][img]https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M592bb7fb52d517cbeed894cd727d0b9dH0&=160&=160&c=7&pid=Api[/img][/hider] Cori looked at herself in the mirror and was pleased. Time had passed rather quickly and by now the other would be done as well. She wouldn't want to make them wait for her. Peter also said he would wait for her outside of her appartment. Back then unfortunately, she hadn't been able to give him directions yet. But it wasn't hard to find and Peter came of as pretty intelligent. She opened the door to see if he was already there. And he was. [color=598527][b]"Oh hi Peter. I hope I didn't make you wait very long."[/b][/color] She locked the door behind her. [color=598527][b]"So these appartments are certainly a pleasant surprise. How is your room?"[/b][/color]