I think I [i]might[/i] end up writing a rather long first post, so please bare with me, and I apologize in advance if it burns anyone's eyes out :rock I [i]don't[/i] think it'll get to that point, cause I might just end up cutting out parts that I think are a waste of time, but just in case, like I said, apologies in advance. EDIT: [center][img]http://dims.vetstreet.com/dims3/MMAH/resize/645x380/quality/90/http://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.prod.vetstreet.com/9a/4408d0a38611e087a80050568d634f/file/Jack-Russell-Terrier-5-645mk062411.jpg[/img][/center] Just a reference image for Spot. I'll be putting it in Ishwarya's CS.