She took the contract in one of her hands, having to lean slightly to actually take it, since she was still cradling the pup in her arms. She realized that the Knights weren't as murderous as she had initially thought and that they were able to negotiate things like this. Nonetheless, she wondered if these kinds of situations ever unfold in an unfortunate way. The thoughts were quickly let go as her mind shifted back to it's usual state of calm. She nodded in understanding as the Knight spoke to her and Lyle. She had no intention of selling or trading this wolf pup, but if it was to express such a request, she would release it. However, she felt that it wouldn't happen any time soon. She smiled back at Lyle. She understood that her choices of action were quite poor, but she felt that she had done the right thing and it seemed as though the man agreed. She briefly watched the Knights as they cleaned up the carnage, she hadn't let the pup out of her arms this whole time, but it seemed like it didn't mind it anymore. It had stopped squirming and quietly rested in her arms. She looked back to Lyle and nodded in agreement. Her clothes were torn, she had a few scratches and cuts here and there, but it was nothing too serious. Taking care of this pup was now top priority. Taking care of it was going to be a challenge, but it was something that she was willing to take on.