With an awkward and forced smile on her face, Leiko lifts her glass as well. Eyes darting off to the side and back to her hand. Her house was trying, well for most parts Illyan was, so why not? She didn't really feel it, nor was it as genuine as his, but that didn't matter. The only reason they had gathered was because of the demonic beings and after this, things would probably go back to normal. She wouldn't have to see the disrespectful and irresponsible members of House Arseyo again. The thief specifically, and their Lord for not having control of his members. [i]How pathetic.[/i] she thought. "Cheers?" She says in a questioning manner, as if she was unsure of herself. Which she really was, she wasn't used to playing civil with House Arseyo. "I-if, that's all there is, may- may I, search for this thief? I don't feel comfortable knowing someone's lurking around my Lord's estate." Leiko cursed in her head, that was exactly what her parents made sure she wouldn't do! She shouldn't have stammered, it made people see how nervous one really was. Oh well, what's done is done. In her seat, Leiko had her fingers crossed, silently praying in her mind that Illyan or Silzard would allow her to. It would also be the time where she would sneak into her room and bring her book of spells along. She was utterly defenseless with just her staff. The only thing she was capable of doing was healing people and as delightful as that sounded, it just didn't seem enough for her. Leiko felt the need that she should have something to protect herself with, and not just simply relying on the people before her.