[center][h1][color=goldenrod]Vivian Annabelle Corette[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tRzCwm2.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Dallas's Apartment/The Party [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Delilah Wells[@karamonnom], [/center][hr][hr] [color=goldenrod]“Me? Look at you!”[/color] Vivian said, doing just as Lilah had done to her just a moment ago. The way that beige-colored dress brought out a certain kind of simplistic beauty from Lilah was truly living up to who she was in every single way. [color=goldenrod]“You’re going to turn more heads than I will. Trust me,”[/color] even if Lilah didn’t believe her, Vivian did. She truly believed that Lilah would be the hottest hippie at the party, bar-none. As hey left the building, Lilah mentioned something about how cool it was of Dallas hosting the party. Initially, Vivian shrugged at that. She was still a little annoyed at the stunt her brother pulled with not showing and then ending up on showing at the Assembly. It was mainly his annoying antics that got to her and not Dallas himself. Regardless, Vivian did think it was mighty impressive that he was able to host such a big party on short notice. [color=goldenrod]“It’s a big responsibility. He better not be hammered half the time,”[/color] Vi laughed lightly, seeing as the view of the party came to her gaze.[color=goldenrod] “Wow, a lot of people,”[/color] Vi commented, seeing how many people there were. She was actually surprised that there was such a large turnout. There must have been a bigger list than originally estimated, or at least that’s what Vi thought, anyway. As they stood there for a few moments, Lilah would ask if Vi was ready to go in. She simply nodded and smiled widely, [color=goldenrod]“yeah, let’s go,”[/color] she said, taking Lilah’s hand as they would enter the wild fray. [center][h1][color=springgreen]Jeremiah “Jay“ Howard Tomers[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/27Gvxpf.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Dallas's Apartment/The Party [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Clarissa Price [@GoddessSophia] [/center][hr][hr] He had no clue whatsoever. As Jay stood outside of the Demigod Apartment Building, he was still as a rock, laying in wait for there to be some kind of clue to lead him to where the party was. He needed some sign, be it hoards of people flocking in one, single direction, or something of the sort. He need a push in the right direction, perhaps someone bumping him to the way of the party or him seeing someone he recognized going a specific direction. And then it came. By the grace of the Greek Gods, Jereimiah’s hopes came true. It wasn’t a minute or so after he had been waiting that he saw multiple people who were all dressed up going in one, single direction. If that wasn’t a sign, Jay didn’t know what was. So he followed, trekking behind them in a slow, but steady pace. He made sure not to go too slow so that he didn’t end up on losing them, but not too fast so that he ended up on giving off strange vibes. More importantly, he didn’t want to go too fast that would bring attention to him. Following along the path he was on, Jay was indeed going on a steady pace, but he then spotted a couple of people familiar. The first was built tall and fully of athletic muscles. He wore the varsity football team jacket. The man was identifiable even from behind, especially with his blonde hair. There was no doubt that man was Zeke Carter, Olympus Academy’s resident jock and all-around meathead. From what Jay has only heard from tales and whispers, he was the guy that picked on people like Jay. The Son of Demeter worry would further be amplified when he realized that the one he saw Zeke talking to was someone that Jay himself had talked to earlier in the day, the friendly and equally as warming, Clarissa. [color=springgreen][I]What should I do? If I go slower, I’ll lose sight of her. If I go faster, she might just see me. What’s even worse, Zeke would surely see me and might want to have a word with me. Oh god, that would be even worse.[/I][/color] Jay couldn’t bring himself to accelerate his walking speed. He simply would keep it as it was. Even though he had all kinds of anxiety about being seen, Jay’s eyes wouldn’t leave Clarissa’s backside. No, it wasn’t because of her figure. While as nice as it was looking at, it was her brown hair and how, in the moonlit night, it glistened beautifully, much like fireflies in the blackness of night. He found his green eyes being drawn to it and nothing more, and when they came to a stop, so did he, several paces away mind you. Looking around, Jay was amazed at the large amount of people around. He was intimidated, sure, but he also felt a weird sensation go through his body. It was as if there was something in him that felt at ease. It couldn’t be the people -- no definitely not that. Perhaps it was something -- or someone -- that was present that was giving him this feeling. [color=springgreen]“Perhaps it’s Clarissa,” [/color]Jay said lowly, his green orbs falling upon her face. Yet again, Jay found himself being pulled to her. [color=springgreen][I]Maybe I should go talk to her..[/I][/color] Jay hesitated; his body was half-frozen still. He felt his legs shake as if they were jelly. Sweat dripped down his body as he felt the anxiety take form of it, staining his shirt. Jay hated himself for not moving — not being able to do what he wanted to and that was walk over to Clarisssa and say hello. Why couldn’t he do that? Was he so pathetic that he couldn’t do so much as say hi to the one person that he was at the party for in the first place? Was he such a coward that he would not let her know that he was here? [color=springgreen]“What am I doing? I can do this. No, not can -- I [b]must[/b] -- do this.”[/color] Jay said, gathering up his inner-courage. It started with a single step and several more after that. With his left went in front of right in rapid succession, Jay had, through the willpower of his goddess mother, walked up to Clarissa. With a few heavy breaths, Jay then spoke, [color=springgreen]“Hey Clarissa,”[/color] he said with all the nervousness in the world and the wave of the hand to match it, [color=springgreen]“it seems we arrived at the same time.” J[/color]ay said, trying to start some form of conversation with her.