[@Kingfisher]It would depend on just how infamous they are - a small time crook would be fine, for example, but if he is a well known raider of Imperial merchant shipping...yea, not so much. Then there would be the case of whether we're [b]beyond[/b] or [b]within[/b] Imperial space - the former case would mean pretty free reign, the latter would mean (depending on your reputation) whether you'd need to go into hiding or not. As a Rogue Trader, with a legitimite Warrant of Trade, Drake has pretty much [i]carte blanche[/i] on what he can do beyond the borders of the Imperium, something members of his retinue may not. In short, if you want an outlaw/smuggler/etc then plase feel free, but just remember...the Arbites are never far away, and the Inquisiton is everywhere. [@DJAtomika]I imagine you will be alright here, I imagine you will...