[@Aristo] Okay, so we are starting at [s]rank[/s] level 1 [s](little DnD joke)[/s] and moving from there. Attributes will be a 6D6 role with the 3 highest being summed. This way chance has an effect but not usually drastically (too much). Books will be your 3.5 players handbook and monster manual. [url]http://www.aegisoft.be/costa/data/roleplay/D&D%203.5%20-%20Players%20Handbook%20%5BOEF%5D.pdf[/url] PH [url]http://www.reality.net/dnd/pdf/DnD%20-%20Monster%20Manual%20I%20-%20OCR.pdf[/url] MM Personally I enjoy AD&D so will be using those books in tangent with vanilla :)