Oh, and [@Mcmolly], you just HAAD to pick White-Glint didn'tcha? Not saying don't do it at all, but that happens amusingly often whenever I try to do a mecha thing. Kinda funny to me. Anyway, definitely approved, it's looking pretty good! However, if you want, you [i]can[/i] have just one more weapon. That list looks a little short to me. For some reason I'd add some NC-sized 'demolition charges'. So in emergencies you could just run up to a target and stick a block of c4 on it. Of course, it'd require a lot of finesse to put on a moving target... In any case, yeah, approved. Edit 1: Oh, just a notice, before the first IC post, I'm going to designate a 'public' titanpad so we can all collaborate on stuff. However, feel free to make other titanpads if you want. As well, I'm totally open for collaborating a little on the new IC OP. I like collaborating.