Ezra did a little musing of his own as the group proceeded down the road. The day may've just begun for the boy, but it was already proving its eventfulness. [i]"Choice! Didn't think I would run into another Warrior type on this journey, let alone be in a travelling party with one! She could make for a great sparring partner! Daily sparring, while on the road...? It would be like, the ultimate way to stay in shape!"[/i] He let the thought trail off there, seemed like he was getting ahead of himself. Least he could do was ask Alix for permission to spar first. But, before he could make his intentions known, his gaze wandered past the two other individuals walking with the group. Didn't seem like either of the two were readying up some formal introductions, but judging by the boy's lab coat and glasses, Ezra knew he was along for the journey. The other girl, however, didn't match up with any of Ato's descriptions. A real cute shortstack of a girl, adorned in attire Ezra could only describe as "punky". She seemed an interesting enough of a character just at face value alone, but he hadn't managed to hear her talk yet. Before he could introduce himself to the two, the group approached a fork in the road, hosted by Ato and a local Pokemon Ranger. As the two described each of the roads presented to our travelling troupe, Ezra could barely contain his answer. "Welp, I know which way [i]I[/i] wanna go!" He added, practically already approaching the path less paved. "It looks fun, honestly." He added, simply. And, it sounded like a chance to chat with some of the rarer types of the area's fauna, which also sounded awesome to him.