“See? Good as new!” Dani pointed to where a gaping hole once had been in the roof. As so eagerly stated several times, it was fixed. Aoba smiled and hugged Dani, just to show his appreciation. It puffed up his ego even more. “Thank you Dani.” Aoba let Dani ramble on and on about his work and what he did while Aoba was, as Dani put it, ‘risking his life for no reason’. While he did, Aoba wandered the barn noticing how everything was in the same spot. Nothing changed in the week he had left. He was a mix of relieved and curious. He noticed Kyou staring at him as he wandered and offered a smile. “And you stayed the whole time Kyou?” Aoba made sure as to not interrupt Dani by waiting until he was sure that the smaller demon was done. When he started following Aoba, that’s when he was sure. “Yes, I did.” He left out the fact that he didn’t have much of a choice whether or not he wanted to stay or leave. “I helped Dani with the plants mostly. Occasionally with the animals too.” Kyou got less of an intimidating stare when he mentioned that he was helping Dani rather than doing it on his own. He hadn’t been, but looking back at the week, Kyou did do a lot of work. Dani sometimes even sat about and yelled at him for no reason. It wasn’t as if Kyou could protect himself, so of course he just took it and continued his work. The trio walked out into the field and Aoba smiled seeing all the animals grazing as normal. “None of them got hurt or sick or anything? They’ve been okay?” “When you left they were all nervous and such as if we were going to eat them or something. But they got over it and their fine now! Same for the birds over there too.” Dani watched as Aoba roamed over to the field. The cows and sheep their all lifted their heads towards the familiar presence. Some continued munching away while a few wandered over to him. One of the sheep bumped its head against Aoba’s side making the angel laugh and pet it. He smiled even more when Mama and Otto wandered forward in ‘greeting’. “Oh my, Otto has gotten so big.” He knelt down and petted the calf and then felt a huff on top of his head. Aoba blinked and looked back at Mama before patting her nose. “I don’t plan on leaving again.” Of course he didn’t understand the cow like Dani could, and he wasn’t aware if the cow could even understand him. Nonetheless, he still responded as if she had said something. “What a cute little calf.” He stood, wandering over to the other animals, Otto following behind him a little curiously. Dani and Kyou stood at the gate, watching Aoba get reacquainted with the animals. They seemed to be happy to see him again. “Ahh, the little chicks, they got bigger too! You’re so cute and fluffy.” He nuzzled one of them before getting up and walking back to the demons. “So. . .the plants?” Dani was a bit eager to show him this particular part of the farm. He hopped off the fence, grabbing Aoba’s wrist and pulling him along. The tiny sprouts he had seen before he left had grown too. They were about a foot high, each of them. He could tell they weren’t ready to be picked, but he was still excited nonetheless. “This is fantastic.” He smiled and looked over at the two. “Thank you for not letting the plants and animals die.” Aoba sounded quite sincere. Dani shrugged. “Yeah, yeah. Kuro wouldn’t just let this place die off. He was all mopey and stuff. I just thought he needed something to do in his spare time.” He shrugged again. Aoba walked past him and he crouched a little lower, like a cat. The angel was oblivious to it, up until the demon pounced, landing right on top of him. Aoba squeaked and Dani grinned, showing his fangs. “Huh, you normally dodge it. I thought you would do it again.” “W-Well I have been gone for a week. . .” Aoba mumbled. On the side, Kyou hopped up when he witnessed Dani suddenly ‘attack’ the angel. When he noticed they were fine, Kyou sighed in relief and stayed in place. He figured it was better to not interrupt Dani. “We should fly!” Aoba blinked. Maybe Dani wasn’t understanding that a week of being cooped up in the church was like being cooped up in a birdcage. “Well, don’t just lay there come on.” “Um, Dani?” “Oh, right.” He got off Aoba, pulling him up with him in one fluid motion. “What’s wrong now?” His head tilted a bit when he noticed that familiar sheepish expression. “I kind of got used to not using my wings…They were kind of in the way at the church. . .”