Being a villain is always fun. :3 I might bring in someone on the "bad" side later, if I can. But for now, I'm sticking with this guy. XD Here's the CS! (If the layout is weird, I apologize; I copied and pasted from WordPad, which sometimes doesn't like me.) Username: TheBlackLegend Name: Luka Blackwell Alias: The White Death (he doesn't seem to notice that this is his alias, though) Age: 15 Race: Shapeshifter Appearance: A rather average teenager, he stands at about 5'8" and is rather lanky, though he does have a fair bit of muscle from his acrobatics class that he is no longer in. His skin is an average white but a bit tanned as well. His eyes are a pale purple that lean a bit more towards blue, and his hair, which is almost perfectly straight and covers his ears and reaches down a bit to his eyes in the front and almost to his shoulders in the back, is a rustic orange color with some slightly visible dark brown streaks running through it. As for his clothes, he wears a plain black t-shirt with a tan, hoodless jacket over it. The sleeves of the jacket are rolled up a little past his forearms, which expose an odd, tribal-like marking on his right wrist, and then a black leather bracelet on his left wrist. He has on grey, faded, and slightly torn jeans, and wears converse high-top shoes that are a faded red and white. Around his neck he wears a chain that holds a sharktooth, and hasn't seemed to have parted with this necklace ever since he can remember. Bio: Adopted and raised by a man named Druas Blackwell, he has never known his real parents and where he's really from. But of course, this never bothered him; having been raised by a doctor who was secretly a murderer but who had a heart of gold, especially for children, Luka had a very decent and cheerful childhood. He knew his adopted father's dark secret, but he still loved the man just the same. He was accepted for who, and what, he was with no question, hiding his shapeshifting abilities from everyone but his father, who loved him dearly. In the end, however, the darkness didn't stop with Druas... When his adoptive father mysteriously disappeared after he turned 15, Luka began to notice that with his powers came a price. The more he shifted between his forms, the more he felt urges. Urges to do dark, evil, destructive actions, and it scared him. He couldn't get rid of the powers he was born with, but in a hope to stop the urges, Luka stopped shapeshifting, only transforming if he needed to. But deep down, the darkness is still there, still tempting him... And he knows in his heart that it will do everything to take over. Skills/Good attributes: Can shift into almost any animal form, and has the abilities of said animal when in that form (For example, has enhanced hearing when in owl form); Is kindhearted and cares for others, and is eager to help without asking for a reward in return; Is flexible and has good balance, being more on the swift and agile side. Skills/Bad attributes: Has a hidden darker side that, if not kept under check, could take over at any given, random time; Can "exhaust" a form to the point where he can't shift into it for a while; Does have small depression episodes at times, mostly due to having been raised among humans and having never met anyone else that was different in the sense that he is. Personality: A kindhearted and caring soul, Luka hardly ever passes up the chance to help someone in need, and never asks for a reward in turn. Like everyone he has his fears, but for the most part he is a rather brave young man, willing to take risks if it means saving those in danger. Despite his kindhearted nature, though, he can be easily manipulated if his guard is brought down, which really only happens when the subject of his real parents is brought up. Ability: Shapeshifting into almost any animal (excluding the mythical creatures since he is technically one himself). He can do so at any time, though if he shifts into a certain form too often it can become unusable for a certain amount of time, usually about two or three days. The exception to this rule is his human form, since he was born as a human and it is considered his "true" form. Other: He has Multiple Personality Disorder that never showed when he was a child, but it does explain the darker side of him that's recently shown up. However, Luka was never diagnosed with it since his other personality never surfaced until now, so he has no idea he has this issue.