[sup][h1]"[color=764100]OUAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH![/color]"[/h1][/sup] A mighty bellowing roar sounded from the bay as the colossal behemoth closed in. Arms spread, claws at the ready, the earth hewn beast welcomed the abomination's entrance into the open area. Behind the monstrosity that was Millenniummon, the vortex that had followed Rodendramon closed in. The mass of turbid air slammed itself through the battle, seeming to flow mostly indiscriminately, at least at first. On further inspection, however, the streams of dust and debris seemed to be filtering through Millenniummon's wounds, tearing past its synthetic flesh, stinging its eyes with course grains. As the torrent of dust subsided, seeming to gather and fall into the sand at Rodendramon's feet, the Beast Digimon dropped, loping forward, snarling as he approached the fight. Thought it lasted only an instant, an upward glance showed the figure of the Dragon Digimon upon a nearby rooftop, shrieking at the fight below. The pause in the pounding gait was barely noticeable, but soon the pace quickened. A swift jump, and Rodendramon was soon clambering up Millenniummon's arm. Once he reached the top left shoulder, no doubt after a few close calls, the God Beast Mega began to slash and tear, feet pressing against the monstrosity's body and wings beating as his grip on the limb strained. He was trying to take the freak of data apart, one piece at a time.