[center][h3][u]Talija & Vivithe[/u][/h3] [b]~| Day 2, 8:01 - 8:30 |~ ~| Aboard the Kaggath, Surveillance Chamber |~[/b][/center] After everything she had fought for and how far she had come, was this supposed to be the next chapter in her life? Talija had found herself in the thralls of her enemy— The Sith. As a member of the Jedi Order who had only just obtained her Knighthood for about a galactic standard year she could not believe that this is where she was going to be now. Who was to know how long it would last on this damned Sith starship? The teenaged Sephi narrowed her brows; this would just be another test like it had been on Cyrillia and she would endure whatever accursed plans that her captors had in mind for her. All she knew now is that she was exchanging hands from one sith to another, and despite all of her resilience or resolve she felt nervous as a pit began to be felt in her stomach. She remembered this feeling on Cyrillia when her master struggled against the Sith who came down upon her and she felt it again when that master became one with the force when the flurry of crimson collided with her chest. This was the Dark Side Talija felt. She didn’t know if she was ready to face it so soon, she wasn’t sure if she had ever really grasped how to stay completely stalwart in the shadow of that darkness. [i]“There is no emotion, there is peace.”[/i] She muttered under her breath to which one of the Sith who had brung her here shoved her with a strong push. She stumbled to the floor, falling to her knees. A punishment for her defiance? [i]“There is no emotion, there is peace.”[/i] She repeated. Talija cringed as their foot connected with her back. Normally she was more conditioned than this, but the interception of The Enteliis by Sith Empire soldiers and warriors was a battle she had been overwhelmed by, especially physically. She could feel the pressure of the foot on her back as something else became apparent. The sound of footsteps? I suppose it was here where the trade would take place. She had caught the name of the ship she was being taken to from conversation between the Sith troopers but she knew nothing more than that, what was it again? The Kalgath? The Kongeth? Wait no— The Kaggath. “We’re ready for the exchange.” One of her captors spoke clearly and respectively. But to who? Talija looked up, her sienna-colored eyes narrowing to focus. Vivithe had gotten word of the new prisoner arrival and had began her walk to intercept it, she had managed to secure passage for the prisoner onto the Kaggath and she herself would greet the prisoner, then bring her to the cells with the others. It was a simple enough task, she could do it in her sleep, but that wasn’t why she chose to do it. It gave her a valuable way to read the new Jedi, maybe even make a first impression with her. “I’ll take her from here, boys.” Vivithe said right as she entered through the hangar room doors to find the prisoner in cuffs, surrounded by several lesser Sith. A smile was on her beautiful face as she spoke, she had made sure she looked irresistible to anyone who would be interested in her, some makeup here and there to go along with her usual robe. It wasn’t a bad idea, never knew with some of the Jedi. It didn’t take much to make herself look any more striking than she already was. “As you wish, Lady Lansha.” One of Talijia’s captors replied, then pushed the Jedi forward where Vivithe placed a hand on her shoulder after she nodded at the Sith who had handed the prisoner over. Two of the soldiers already onboard the Kaggath had followed the Sith Lord to the exchange, they were silent and were commanded to remain so unless Vivithe spoke to them. “What is your name, girl?” Vivithe asked as she turned and lead the Jedi out of the hangar and into a hallway, the two grunts following behind them. She had already been briefed on who the prisoner was, but she wanted to know how easily she would give her name. Talija took a light breath as the Sith asked her for her name. “Why do you care?” “Because it is much easier to interact with someone if I know their name, it’s only formal.” Vivithe said as they started to walk, her alongside the Jedi, the two soldiers behind. The young Jedi Knight repeated the Jedi Code in her head, she was in the belly of her enemy and needed to remind herself of that. “I am on a starship made to [i]imprison[/i], [i]torture[/i], and [i]convert[/i] Jedi. This is hardly a formal scenario.” “Well, I’m not torturing or trying to convert you, but if you don’t feel you need to give your name then that is fine. It is only a name, girl.” Vivithe replied as she walked, her hands folded behind her, her eyes on the Jedi next to her. “It’s only a matter of time, [i]Lady Lansha[/i], it’s what you Sith do..” Talija replied, expression calm as she followed albeit defiantly. “Is that so?” Vivithe asked, one eyebrow raised at the Jedi. The sephi nodded, “Indeed.” “How did they capture you, exactly?” She asked the Jedi, though she was certain the girl wouldn’t give her a real answer, the old quiet captive way. They [i]always[/i] ended up speaking at one point. “Superior numbers and unfair tactics.” She answered. She wasn’t sure why she didn’t stay silent but something about the situation made her want to continue with the conversation at least to see where it was going and what the Sith’s intentions and curiosities were about it. “That’s war for you, girl. Fair tactics are used by the losers. A victor isn’t afraid to fight dirty if it means victory.” She said, the advice coming from her own experience as a tactician before she joined the Sith on the Kaggath. “I never said they weren’t strategically sound. Though I’m not sure what you Sith wanted a [i]civilian[/i] transport vessel for. But as you said, [i]dirty[/i] tactics.” Talija stated without blinking-- she had dealt with Sith before though in this instance she would not let fear or discomfort affect her. She was stronger now than she was then. She would not tremble in their presence… she would refuse to be afraid. “I’m sure there was a greater reason for taking the transport than you would believe there is. Every move such as that has a reason behind it. The Sith are organized and careful like that.” Vivithe said with a smile. Talija shrugged, “Possibly. But you Sith are also notably [i]vicious[/i] and [i]overzealous[/i]; your need for war is why your religion’s organization never lasts for long. Peace can never exist between Jedi and Sith as long as the Sith are at war with [i]themselves.[/i]” “Peace, that is a funny word for the situation. I do recall the Jedi helped to annihilate the Sith Empire before the current one. If we came and asked for a peaceful way to start our order backup then the Jedi would still damn us based on our own beliefs which are [i]too different[/i] from their own.” Vivithe replied, still calm with her words as ever. “It is hard to argue the fact of our faith and their histories are chequered with violence, hate, fear, distrust, and misunderstandings. But how many times was it Sith who destroyed the Sith as well? I know the histories; of Malak and Revan, others like them.” “And how many times has it been when the Jedi have stood ideally by while the galaxy breaks around them? I do recall Malak and Revan put an end to the Mandalorian Wars while the Jedi Council sat on their hands, content with the Mandolorian’s raiding and pillaging of innocents as they pleased. How many millions more would have died if Revan and Malak hadn’t took action?” “Too many. I do not pretend to agree with the old council or pretend to know of your current Sith council. But I’ve heard what needless violence happened on Coruscant, Alderaan, and other planets. I’ve seen the fury of the Sith with my own eyes and I think the viciousness has not faded... and that this violence is pointless. How many lives will die in this war if either our religions refuses to break? Do you think that is a good conclusion?” Talija retorted, trying to combat the Sith’s logic with her own. “All violence is needless to an idealistic Jedi, but life is not like that. Your side has been given every opportunity to concede, but they have chosen not to and as a result millions have perished. The violence is not needless, it has all been for survival of the Empire. The Jedi preach peace yet refuse to give it a chance when the Sith are the other side.” Vivithe said, her headed turned as she locked eyes with the girl. “You must know that is more because of the council’s support for the [i]survival[/i] of [i]democracy[/i] and not the destruction of imperialism.” Her eyes narrowed. “We [i]had[/i] peace. But then you attacked Coruscant and removed all doubt that you Sith just want destruction and domination; that you refuse to coexist far more than we.” “The Republic’s idea of democracy is a sad lie, a terrible joke. Corruption exists everywhere within the senate, it is ignored, slavery still exists within the galaxy. That too is ignored by a senate that constantly speaks out against that practice, their politics are bought by sex and credits.” Talija met the Sith’s eyes defiantly as she continued their debate of sorts. “Corruption can never truly be removed from politics or the universe at large. Much like where there is light there will be darkness. They cannot exist without the other. I would prefer an attempt at democracy rather than the dominion of imperialism. But do you even value freedom or believe the Jedi Order has it?” “Freedom is the Sith way. Freedom to love, freedom to express true emotions, freedom to take the proper actions. My chains are broken Jedi, can you say the same about yourself?” Vivithe asked as they moved towards a door on the side of the hallway, the surveillance room. “I don’t know, [i]you[/i] are the one [i]holding[/i] them.” Vivithe let out a laugh at the comment, she did not expect a joke to come out of the girl's mouth. It caught the Sith offguard as the door to their side came open, the Sith stopping Talija and herself in front of it, her eyes moved towards the two guards behind them, and within a moment both of them had taken position on each side of the door outside of it. “Come, we can continue our conversation in privacy.” Vivithe said as she entered the room, the monitors at the end of it displaying a sudden incident taking place in another part of the ship. “Not like I have much of a choice.” Talija commented as they stepped forward into another room, the Jedi’s eyes widening for a second as she caught sight of the monitors and the incident being relayed by them. The scene most certainly made her uncomfortable, but she refused to show her surprise or discomfort… or at least to the best extent that she could. The scene was jarring and it made her feel helpless as a Jedi and a guardian of others. But worst of all was that she [i]recognized[/i] someone. There was not enough expletives in a smuggler or fringer’s vocabulary to describe how she felt right now. Vivithe had caught the Jedi’s reaction, resisting the urge to put a devilish smile on her face as she watched the young girl’s eyes widen. She looked back to the monitors at what was transpiring, then put on her best attempt at acting like she too was surprised. “Well, I did not expect that. A powerful Sith lord and some of the captives in a brawl, I feel bad for those Jedi. That Sith in particular is incredibly brutal and powerful, they won’t last long.” She said, as she raised a hand to her face to cover her mouth, her eyes acting in false surprise. “I think even a man under the influence of a lot of Whyren's Reserve could tell you that.” She stated, recalling an expression her father used to say about something being ‘obvious’. It pained her to see this and… to see someone she knew in such dire straits. But what could she do from where she was? What if this was all a test to trick her into showing bonds to manipulate her further? “Do you think they’re bold enough to launch at a lightsaber wielding lizard?” Vivithe asked as her eyes focused on the ignited red weapon in Sish’s hand. “Bold enough? No. Desperate enough? Perhaps.” The Sephi frowned, not only did she feel [i]defenseless[/i] but this was the kind of thing that most Jedi would feel uncomfortable about even disregarding familiarity of the individual. Her eyes looked within her sight radius: was there anything in the room she could use to her advantage and perhaps help? If she could, would it even matter on an entire ship full of Sith? “That boy got hit hard,” Vivithe commented as Xid was flung into Andri on the video. The girl behind her had reacted tellingly to the video, it was likely she knew one or more of the Jedi in it. She just had to figure out which one and abuse that knowledge enough. “He’s barely standing, looks like he’ll fall right over at even the smallest push.” She added. “He’s lost his footing and he’s fatigued. I don’t know if the group has a chance with their current tactics.” Talija could feel the disappointment her masters would have right now, analyzing the situation like she was and not thinking harder to find a solution to aid her allies. She shouldn’t be standing here watching it like it was some pit sport. “This is why you wanted to come to this room.” Talija stated blankly before she added to it. “To convince me that it is pointless to resist and to submit to you now.” “Clever girl, tell me, honestly, do you know any of these Jedi? I’m certain you do, no point in lying now, I can see through them.” Vivithe asked as she turned to face Talija. “I may have met some of them in passing. They do seem familiar, but I wasn’t prone to engaging in copiousness amounts of conversation at the temple.” “Hmm, I see. Do you want to help them? Do you think you can, against that beast?” “I would want to, yes. But I am uncertain that it would benefit any of them. I would prefer to defeat you in this room, but that would leave me surrounded by Sith. I am sure you also are aware that my injuries have fatigued me more than it I make it seem. It’s one of the first things you noticed.” She looked slightly to the left directly at the Sith with an expression one she had given before: defiance.. “I am certain I would be able to fight that ‘beast’ as well as you had I not been injured or my lightsaber taken.” “You’re not strong enough. Even with injuries someone skilled with the Force would be able to find a way to defeat an enemy, especially one surrounded by its own enemies. You’re too weak to help them.” Vivithe said, her voice ringing with honesty. “Your words mean nothing to me, Sith.” “They do to your friends’ lives.” Talija took a step back with her frown blatant and her eyes dulling. “You will find it difficult to break me.” “That is what they all say, then they do ‘break’. Your Jedi ways and thoughts have made you weak, if you were strong then you wouldn’t have let yourself be captured.” “As you believe. But I do not share that belief. You are welcome to bathe in your ignorance, passion, and hate but it will be your undoing eventually. You can attempt to break me or twist me or manipulate me but you will [i]fail[/i] as I do not fear you or your dark religion. I know that there is no death but only the force and I will gladly become one with it. I am unafraid.” “Eventually? Why not now?” Vivithe asked, then rose a hand as she undid the Jedi’s cuffs through the Force, tossing them to the side with a clang. “I see.” Talija cursed in her thoughts, she had no lightsaber and had a lot to learn in a straight fight with the force. She had no knowledge of echani martial arts or any other unarmed combat offense. She wasn’t afraid but between her fatigue from her injuries and the psychological twisting this Sith woman attempted she knew she couldn’t do much at this point in time. But she reminded herself that others before her had done more. “It’s not too late for you, you know. You could stop all of this incessant torture and death. You could reject this darkness.” “And become weak like you? Shred all that makes me who I am? I have power, Jedi. Respect is given to me everywhere I walk.” “You’re wrong. You don’t have respect; you have fear. And you most definitely don’t have power.” Talija smiled, breaking her frown. “The force does.” “Is that so?” Vivithe asked, then rose a hand to her face, her lips moving slightly, then the door came open behind Talija as one of the guards from before entered the room and unceremoniously swung the butt of his rifle into the back of the Jedi’s legs. “I believe that involves respect for me to follow such an order, striking a dangerous Jedi with all her limbs unbound.” Talija fell to the floor, her reflexes were still weak after the battle on the Enteliis. Had she had her lightsaber and time to recover… maybe she could’ve reacted in time. Her eyes kept on the Sith. “Is that a lie you tell yourself so often you’ve come to believe it? Heh.” The guard moved closer behind the girl, then placed the barrel of his rifle against the back of her head. Vivithe with a smile looked at the situation. “There is no death, there is the force.” “The Force shall free me,” Vivithe replied as the guard loudly loaded his blaster and pressed it closer to Talija’s head as Vivithe walked towards her and placed a manicured hand on the Jedi’s chin. “I’m afraid death will be the last thing you shall receive onboard this ship. What will happen instead will be much, much worse. It’s a shame, you're such a pretty girl, have so much potential Though you might not be so pretty once you’re done here.” She added. Talija offered no reply as she remained in silence. “You really are weak, you could have used the Force to pull the weapon out of the guard’s hand, tried to make a move for my own weapon, thrown something from in the room at me. Endless possibilities. Do they teach you to just kneel down before your enemies and put up no resistance?” “I will recover, I will endure, and believe me when I tell you this. I have resistance and you will see it when you are defeated.” “Kind of difficult to defeat someone when you’re on your knees before them.” She said back, a smile on her face as she stood straight up. “In time, [i]Lady Lansha[/i]. In time.” A sound could be heard of flesh hitting flesh as Lady Lansha slapped the girl with an open palm. Hard enough to hurt, maybe even leave a mark. The defiant Sephi only cringed through the pain, unflinching as the Sith resorted to violence. “You’re weak, you’ll be one of the first to break, I can almost guarantee it.” Vivithe said, then glanced at the soldier behind the Jedi who smacked the girl in the temple with the butt of his blaster, almost certainly knocking her out.