[center][b]Reimu, Hakurei[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yd5SQo7.jpg[/img] ([url=http://safebooru.org//images/1460/096326d9dfe19517c8fbbc558c6f62497aba9748.jpg]See full sized version[/url])[/center][hr] *[b]Name:[/b] Hakurei Reimu *[b]Universe:[/b] Touhou Project *[b]Personality:[/b] Reimu treats everyone the same, whether they're humans, youkai or gods, giving them no particular respect or disrespect. Her personality is straightforward, optimistic, and a bit curious. She's quick to anger if offended, but just as quick to offer help to those in need. She does, however, possess something of an innocent heart, and can't really bring herself to truly hate anybody. Despite this, when it comes to some things [i](particularly Youkai-hunting)[/i], she is utterly merciless even to those who aren't really that much of a threat. She prefers a [i]"shoot first, ask questions later"[/i] approach. She's a bit lazy, and as a result of not having a lot of money, can be seen as being greedy and money-obsessed, depending on the situation. May or may not be a swindler. *[b]Powers/Skills:[/b] [hider=Skills, Traits, Powers][b]Physicality:[/b] Reimu possesses superhuman strength, durability, speed and stamina, although she typically prefers not to rely on these abilities. Not really a physical fighter, but she can manage some basic hand-to-hand fighting skills in a pinch. [b]Spirituality:[/b] As a Shrine Maiden, and likely also as a result of her heritage, Reimu displays excellent spiritual awareness and general perceptive abilities. She's an expert in hunting and exterminating Youkai, and is knowledgeable about most youkai, god and gensokyo-related topics. She can manipulate her spiritual power, allowing her to use it to attack others. [b]Misc.[/b] [i]-Generic Shrine Maiden duties and human skills. (i.e. speaking, reading, writing, cleaning things up, not dying of starvation.) -Money-making, swindling. -First-aid -Lazing around[/i] [b]Floating:[/b] In Reimu's case, this could be called rendering oneself [i]"weightless"[/i] in order to hover and freely traverse the skies. Spiritual power can then be used to direct her movements, accelerate or decelerate freely, with incredibly efficiency. This gives her a wide range of movement possibilities, and makes her quite maneuverable in the air. While flight is extremely common among inhabitants of Gensokyo, Reimu's ability extends beyond that; she's capable of phasing in and out of existence, an act described as [i]"floating away from reality"[/i]. Reimu can use this power to teleport short distances, although the user herself doesn't seem to be aware of this fact, and preforms it innately. The ultimate expression of this ability is her [i]"ultimate move"[/i], [b]Fantasy Nature[/b], which is capable of rendering her completely intangible while active. [b]Shrine Maiden Abilities:[/b] The powers inherent to her as the Hakurei Shrine Maiden. Covers the handling of the Hakurei Ying-Yang Orbs, Youkai Purification Techniques and Blessings. The production and usage of multipurpose amulets, which can produce effects of sealing enemies' power, creating doubles of herself, binding movement and, of course, sealing demons. Powers for purification are a given, as are calling upon the power of gods for aid [i](although she is not very good at this, so she can't actually do it reliably.)[/i] [b]Barriers:[/b] Out of all of her abilities, her skill with barriers is likely the most extensive. As the girl who manages the Hakurei Border, it is to be expected that she has near peerless skills with barriers, and is able to both construct them at a high level and analyze, dismantle or otherwise interact with barriers that would be way over most people's heads. She frequently uses this power in battle, to block enemy attacks, trap her opponents or even using them to reflect or transport her attacks. Barriers can be erected to protect locations, or to seal in/out malevolent forces. They can even explode or directly push her opponents, if she wishes. Her amulets can be used to strengthen her barriers, with the effect growing or decreasing depending on the number of amulets used.[/hider] *[b]Brief Bio:[/b] As the Hakurei Shrine Maiden, it was Reimu's job to solve the many incidents popping up all around her place of origin, Gensokyo. During this time, she faced a great many powerful enemies, and never failed to stop whatever incident was happening. One night, after what she thought was an unusually heavy sleep, she awoke to find herself transported to another world. Unsure as to what's going on, Reimu is searching for a means to return to her own world so that she might return to her duties, exterminating any Youkai she finds along the way. *[b]Equipment:[/b] Yin-Yang Orbs [i](Which serve to enhance and channel her spiritual power, as well as possessing properties of their own)[/i], countless amulets, her purification rod. *[b]Others:[/b] [i]-Out of all of her physical traits, it seems her armpits hold the most appeal, although Reimu herself isn't sure why. -For a Shrine Maiden, her faith is actually surprisingly weak. -Worries that when she gets back, the shrine will be overrun by Youkai. -Fights unfairly.[/i]