[quote=@Sini] Yavin, so that would prove interesting. I do not want to convince you to take a different starting spot, but just want to point out that what might concern you. [/quote] If the other side of the Galaxy is not that far away... [quote=@Sini] With its 1,137 meters, it falls well within the SD-size bracket (Ships of roughly 1000 - 2000 meters length), so I have reclassified it accordingly. Some pages on the wiki had conflicting labels on it, hence my mistake. The way I explained the ability to field all those smaller craft, would be to swith out all weapons in favour of docking space. The alternative that you two propose would bring it more towards the carrying capacity of an Imperial I SD, its successor. I believe that to be reasonable. 90 smaller ships per Venator seems a proper balancing decision, so let's go with that.[/quote] A) Yes true but the reason conflicting labels exist is it is not a real Star Destroyer it was an "Attack Cruiser" first. Because god bless the old Republic classifications. B) The Venator has very few Turbolasers with it's size due to the fact it was designed to carry a large complement, that was it's purpose. I mean it has a massive weakness in that a large portion of it is hollow. I'd say keep it at it's original complement at least and limit it to that if you have to but technically it could field MORE TIE fighters than the old ARCs/V-Wings it used to field. [quote=@Sini] The alternative that you two propose would bring it more towards the carrying capacity of an Imperial I SD, its successor. I believe that to be reasonable. 90 smaller ships per Venator seems a proper balancing decision, so let's go with that.[/quote] The next ship produced =/= Successor. An Imperator Star Destroyer was designed for a completely different purpose.