"Hi Mitzi, Hello Harold. My name is Lavender, and this is April. Thanks for having us!" Lavender sat down near Mitzi and put the birdcage on the seat next to her. The owl was restless, but Lavender wasn't sure if it would be okay to let her out. "I don't think I caught your name?" She said to the girl who had spoken first. Without pause she turned to Mitzi and continued "Is that a sloth? That's an unusual pet, isn't it? I love his hat! It goes well with your dress." Finally pausing to draw breath, Lavender looked around the compartment and stole a few glances at the other girl. She liked Mitzi. With her faded stockings and knitted dress she somehow seemed more real than the pretty, elegant girl she'd been sharing a compartment with. Hard to believe that someone so composed could be a first years, but she looked too young to be anything else. April gave a screech as a compartment door opened and closed somewhere near them, and Lavender rummaged through her bag. She emerged victorious, shaking a box of owl treats in her hand. She handed April a treat through the bars of the cage, and the bird accepted it with her beak. Settling on the branch, April transferred the treat to her left claw and began nibbling it. Lavender smiled and wondered what would happen next.